Why is it rude to talk about money in France?

Talking about money can feel demeaning for people with low incomes, whereas wealthy people fear they may have to justify their salary. It’s also important to note that French socialism helps enable people to avoid financial discussions.

What are the taboos in France?

The French highly value their privacy and the privacy of others. Inquiring about one’s salary and finances is taboo. To do so is considered highly inappropriate, regardless of how close the relationship is between those conversing.

How do the French view money?

The French attitude towards money is very a much a story of high culture versus old wealth versus new economy, which continues to mix and be reshaped by modern times. The financial mentality of the French does have such a long legacy and depending on who you ask, it has shaped a lot of personal practices and habits.

What is considered disrespectful in French culture?

It is rude to sit with one’s legs spread apart unless in a relaxed context. Rather, sit straight with your legs crossed at the knee or knees together. Feet should not be placed on tables or chairs. If someone is invited to a restaurant or a business function, it is acceptable to arrive at the specific time.

What is prohibited in France?

France Prohibited and Restricted Items

  • All forms of asbestos fibers.
  • All forms of asbestos fibers.
  • All products containing the biocide dimethylfumarate (DMF)
  • Animal skins.
  • Atlantic red tuna fish (Thunnus Thynnus) originating from Belize, Panama, and Honduras.
  • Certain U.S. Beef hormones.
  • Clocks/watches.

What are the worst things about living in France?

Cons of Living in France

  • Paperwork. France has a reputation for being very bureaucratic.
  • Visa Renewals are a Nightmare. This one goes along with the French bureaucracy above.
  • High Taxes.
  • The Language Barrier Can be Difficult.
  • Jobs are Scarce.
  • There Are A Lot of Strikes.
  • Traveling Across France is Expensive.

How can I save money in France?

Tips for how to save money in Paris

  1. #1 Take advantage of all the Free Activities on Offer.
  2. #2 Order Tap Water at restaurants.
  3. #3 Use Public Transportation.
  4. #4 Purchase a Carnet of Metro Tickets.
  5. #6 Consider having a picnic (or two)
  6. #7 Explore Offbeat districts (don’t just stay in the touristy areas)

What offends the French the most?

10 ways to offend the French and how to avoid it

  • Not returning invitations.
  • Addressing a person you don’t know well with ‘tu’
  • Saying cheers and clinking glasses without making eye contact.
  • Arriving too late or too early.
  • Complaining when someone ‘disciplines’ your child.