Who is Serqet husband?

She was closely associated with Isis and her sister Nephthys because of her connection with magic and the underworld. In Edfu she was said to be the wife of Horus and the mother of Horakhty (Horus of the Horizon).

What did Serqet look like?

She is the goddess of venomous creatures, most notably the scorpion, and is depicted as a beautiful woman, arms outstretched in a gesture of protection, with a scorpion on her head. The scorpion is purposefully shown without a stinger or claws to represent Serket’s role as protector against venomous stings.

What is Serqet the goddess of?

Selket, also spelled Selqet, or Serqet, in Egyptian mythology, goddess of the dead. Her symbolic animal was the scorpion. She was one of the underworld deities charged with protecting the canopic jar in which the intestines of the deceased were stored after embalming.

What Egyptian god is Capricorn?


Parents Zeus and Aex
God of The aegis
Home Sea, sky
Constellation Capricorn

Who is the Egyptian goddess of love?

Hathor, in ancient Egyptian religion, goddess of the sky, of women, and of fertility and love. Hathor’s worship originated in early dynastic times (3rd millennium bce).

Who is the Egyptian goddess of beauty?

Hathor was one of the forty-two state gods and goddesses of Egypt, and one of the most popular and powerful. She was goddess of many things: love, beauty, music, dancing, fertility, and pleasure. She was the protector of women, though men also worshipped her. She had priests as well as priestesses in her temples.

Who is the most beautiful Egyptian goddess?

Hathor was one of the forty-two state gods and goddesses of Egypt, and one of the most popular and powerful. She was goddess of many things: love, beauty, music, dancing, fertility, and pleasure.

Which Egyptian god is Taurus?

Mythology of the constellation Taurus. To the Egyptians TAURUS, The Bull, symbolised both Osiris and his sister Isis who were represented as a bull-god and cow-goddess respectively.

Who is Serqet?