What is the default value for enum type?

The default value of an enumeration type E is the value produced by expression (E)0 , even if zero doesn’t have the corresponding enum member. You use an enumeration type to represent a choice from a set of mutually exclusive values or a combination of choices.

Do C# enums start at 0 or 1?

Enum Values The first member of an enum will be 0, and the value of each successive enum member is increased by 1. You can assign different values to enum member. A change in the default value of an enum member will automatically assign incremental values to the other members sequentially.

What is the value of an enum?

An enum type is a special data type that enables for a variable to be a set of predefined constants. The variable must be equal to one of the values that have been predefined for it. Common examples include compass directions (values of NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST) and the days of the week.

Does enum always start at 0 C?

So yes, if you do not specify a start value, it will default to 0.

What is enum in C sharp?

Enumeration (or enum) is a value data type in C#. It is mainly used to assign the names or string values to integral constants, that make a program easy to read and maintain.

What is default C#?

The default keyword returns the “default” or “empty” value for a variable of the requested type. For all reference types (defined with class , delegate , etc), this is null . For value types (defined with struct , enum , etc) it’s an all-zeroes value (for example, int 0 , DateTime 0001-01-01 00:00:00 , etc).

Should enum have a default value?

The default value for an enum is zero. If an enum does not define an item with a value of zero, its default value will be zero.

Is enum value type in C#?

C# enum is a value type with a set of related named constants often referred as an enumerator list. The C# enum keyword is used to declare an enumeration. It is a primitive data type, which is user-defined.

Is enum a class C#?

An enum is a special “class” that represents a group of constants (unchangeable/read-only variables).

What is default string value?

Default Values

Data Type Default Value (for fields)
float 0.0f
double 0.0d
String (or any object) null

Is default null C#?

The default value of any reference type is null .