How big can a Nepenthes alata grow?

If you live in a hot area or have a greenhouse, however, your options are much greater. Nepenthes alata is easy to care for and forms bright red pitchers that can reach 7 inches (8 cm) in length.

How fast do Nepenthes alata grow?

Nepenthes are slow growers during their first few years and can take 5 to 10 years to mature.

How do you grow Nepenthes alata?


  1. Light: Nepenthes alata will do best with morning direct sun and bright indirect light in the afternoon.⁣
  2. Water: Never allow your Nepenthes alata to dry out completely. Water when the top 1-2” are dry.
  3. Nepenthes alata attract insects to their pitchers, and once inside the insects are unable to escape.

What is the rarest Nepenthes?

clipeata. Nepenthes clipeata is perhaps the most endangered of all Nepenthes species, with only an estimated 15 plants remaining in the wild as of 1995 (although see N. pitopangii and N. rigidifolia).

How long do Nepenthes plants live?

Tropical Pitcher plants live for many years, often ranging from 10-20 years.

Are pitcher plants hard to keep alive?

Growing pitcher plants is easy as long as you pay attention to some key items. Pitcher plant’s unusual shape and carnivorous habit are the result of nutrient deficiencies in their native soil. The regions where they grow are nitrogen deprived, so the plant catches insects to harvest their nitrogen.

What do Nepenthes alata eat?

What does Nepenthes alata eat? The pitcher plant lives on insects such as flies, wasps, ants, and more that come too close to the cup. Once the nectar secretions attract them, they fall inside and get trapped. Enzymes digest the insect through the digestive fluid.

Should I mist my pitcher plant?

Tips on Watering Carnivorous Plants Although pitcher plants (and other carnivorous plants) tolerate dry air, they frequently stop producing pitchers when the humidity drops below 50 percent. If the environment is dry, mist regularly or place the plant near a room humidifier.

What is the most expensive pitcher plant?

The most expensive carnivorous plant known to have been sold to date is a hybrid Nepenthes pitcher plant (N. rajah x N. peltata), named “Leviathan”, which was developed by carnivorous plant grower Jeremiah Harris of Colorado, USA. The male-flowering specimen sold in July 2019 to an anonymous buyer for $4,500 (£3,540).

Why are Nepenthes endangered?

STATUS Thirty-five Nepenthes species are listed as vulnerable or endangered on the IUCN Red List, while 10 are listed as critically endangered. THREATS Overcollection and poaching for the rare plant trade; habitat destruction due to agriculture and human development; and drought caused by climate change.

How often should you water Nepenthes?

2-3 times per week
Nepenthes like to remain moist but not flooded. This is best accomplished by top watering them 2-3 times per week. The shallow tray method can be used when going out of town. Fill the tray with about 1” of water and then allow the tray to dry out for a couple days before refilling.