What is Sociofacts in AP human Geography?

Sociofact. The institutions and links between individuals and groups that unit a culture, including family structure and political, educational and religious institutions.

What is a Mentifact AP human Geography?

Mentifact. The central, enduring elements of a culture expressing its values and beliefs, including language, religion, folklore, and etc. Popular Culture. Culture found in a large, heterogeneous society that shares certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics.

What are Sociofacts and Mentifacts?

Sociofacts – the structures and organizations of a culture which influence social behaviour. Sociofacts include families, governments, education systems, sports organizations, religious groups, and any other grouping designed for specific activities. Mentifacts – The shared ideas, values, and beliefs of a culture.

What is artifacts Sociofacts and Mentifacts?

artifacts (that which is made, created, produced) • sociofacts (the ways in which people organize their society and. relate to one another) • mentifacts (the ideas, beliefs, and values that people hold) Together, these components of any culture account for any and all of.

What are some examples of Sequent Occupance?

Sequent occupance is the term that best describes this concept. Cities are good examples of sequent occupance. Many modern cities have old warehouses and industrial centers that have been converted into apartments, shopping areas, and condos.

What is Mentifacts and Sociofacts?

What is an example of a distance decay?

Distance decay is the idea that the farther away you are from goods or services, the less likely you are to make use of it. For example, if you live in a rural area, it’s unlikely that you travel to a bigger city 100 miles even if it offers bigger and better goods and services.

What is the difference between distance decay and time space compression?

Distance decay effect is the decrease in interaction between two phenomena, places, or people as the distance between them increases. Space time compression is the increasing sense of connectivity that seems to be bringing people closer together even though their distances are the same.

What is Mentifacts?

Mentifacts – The shared ideas, values, and beliefs of a culture. Examples include religion, language, viewpoints, and ideas about right or wrong behaviour.