Is lateral fossa radiopaque or radiolucent?

Diffuse Radiolucent
Summary of Maxillary Landmarks

Landmark Brief Description Radiolucent / Radiopaque
Lateral Fossa Diffuse Radiolucent
Maxillary Sinus Horizontally Oblong Radiolucent
Maxillary Tuberosity Rounded Radiopaque
Mid-palatine Suture Vertical line Radiolucent

Is maxillary tuberosity radiopaque or radiolucent?

The coronoid process (triangles) appears as a triangular radiopaque area superimposed over the maxillary tuberosity and posterior maxillary sinus. The lingual foramen (circle) appears as a small radiolucent circle directly inferior to the central incisors.

Is the median palatine suture radiopaque or radiolucent?

The mid-palatine suture is also referred to as the median palatal suture. It courses from the alveolar crest through the midline to the posterior aspect of the hard palate. This structure appears radiographically as a thin vertical linear radiolucency in the midline on maxillary central incisor periapicals.

In which radiograph is the Coronoid process observed?

Coronoid process is the thin, triangular-shaped process of the anterosuperior aspect of the ramus. Its triangular shape resembles the dorsal fin of a shark. This mandibular landmark is typically observed in extraoral images.

Are sutures radiolucent?

The incisivomaxillary suture and the nasoincisive suture may appear as radiolucent images in young skulls and linear radiopacities in older skulls.

Is a foramen radiolucent or radiopaque?

Structures that are cavities, depressions or openings in bone such as a sinus, fossa, canal or foramen will allow x-rays to penetrate through them and expose the receptor. These areas will appear radiolucent or black on radiographic images.

Where is the Hamular notch?

a groove or notch at the base of the pterygoid hamulus that forms a pulley for the tendon of the tensor veli palatini muscle.

Where is the Coronoid notch located?

The coronoid process is located at the superior aspect of the ramus. Its anterior border is continuous with that of the ramus, and its posterior border creates the anterior boundary of the mandibular notch. The temporalis muscle and masseter insert on its lateral surface.

What is Hamular notch?

What is the Hamular notch in dentistry?

In dental prosthetic practice, a full maxillary denture base is extended over the tuberosity and rests on mucosa overlying the hamular notch, which is the area between hamulus and maxillary tuberosity.