Will Erigeron grow in shade?

Grow erigeron in sun or partial shade in any well-drained soil. It can be grown as edging in a border, in a gravel garden, or in a coastal garden. It also grows well in pots, where it spills out over the edge.

Is fleabane a perennial?

Fleabane is a biennial or short-lived perennial in most areas, but it doesn’t often thrive in areas with hot, humid summer climates. In optimum growing conditions fleabane may self-seed, producing a new crop of plants every year.

Is Erigeron Stallone Evergreen?

A semi-evergreen perennial forming a low mound (up to 20cm) of wiry stems bearing bright green leaves.

How do you plant Erigeron Stallone?

Grow erigeron plants in a sunny position on fertile, light, well drained soil. Erigeron plants particularly dislike wet soils in winter. On heavy soils improve drainage by adding some grit and plenty of well rotted compost to the soil prior to planting.

Should Erigeron be cut back?

How to care for Erigeron. Once the flowering period is over, you should deadhead Erigeron and cut back to ground level. It is recommended that you provide a light feed during active growth, taking care not to overwater plants as they dislike excessive wet soil. This is also key during the winter.

Are Erigeron plants perennial?

Erigeron is a simple, small summer flowering herbaceous perennial.

Is daisy fleabane invasive?

Although well-behaved hybrid varieties of fleabane are available, many types of fleabane are invasive weeds that displace native plants. In the garden, fleabane grows profusely as it draws moisture from other plants.

Why do they call it fleabane?

The common name “fleabane” is from Old English and it refers to the plant’s odor, which supposedly can repel fleas. Similar species: Erigeron pulchellus has fewer ray flowers (40-60).

How tall does Erigeron grow?

It will grow to a maximum height of . 5m, suitable for all soil types and fully hardy. It is a self seeder, although not invasive, and is tolerant of partial shade.

Is Erigeron a perennial?

What conditions does Erigeron like?

Erigeron grows best in a sunny position, and although the advice often received is to plant it in well-drained soil which does not dry out, in fact Erigeron is tough and will grow in many garden areas including steps and in wall crevices. It will grow to a maximum height of .