Why would someone be a bug chaser?

Bug chasers are HIV-negative men who actively seek unprotected sex with HIV-positive partners, so that they themselves can become HIV-infected. Their active pursuit (chasing) of the HIV virus (bug) gives rise to their moniker.

What does POZ mean on Grindr?

Poz-friendly definition Filters. (Gay slang) Willing to have sex with someone who is HIV positive by someone who is not. adjective.

What does bug chasing mean?

“Bug chasing” and “gift giving” are colloquial terms used by some men who have sex with men (MSM) to describe intentional unprotected anal sex (“barebacking”) with the goal of spreading HIV.

What is an STD kink?

Bugchasers are men who have sex with men who eroticize HIV infection, especially through the intentional pursuit (or intended pursuit) of infection with the virus. Since little is understood about the practice in general, the motivations for developing bugchasing identity and behavior remain largely undefined.

What is serodiscordant relationship?

The term “serodiscordant couple” refers to an intimate partnership in which one person is HIV-positive and the other is HIV-negative.

What does UC mean on Grindr?

Straight guys get their first taste of Grindr, then try to figure out what the various abbreviations used by gay men mean (my favorite: the guy who thinks “UC” stands for “Untidy Conditions” – HA)(it stands for “Uncircumcized” btw).

What does clean mean on Grindr?

As gay men we know that “Are you clean,” once meant have you recently showered & douched.

What is a Bugcatcher?

A bug zapper, more formally called an electrical discharge insect control system, electric insect killer or (insect) electrocutor trap, is a device that attracts and kills flying insects that are attracted by light.

What causes serodiscordant couples?

A serodiscordant couple is a couple who have different blood markers or blood test results for a particular disease. Uninfected partners of people who have sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), especially those that aren’t curable, are at high risk of becoming infected.

What is Seroconcordant?

seroconcordant (not comparable) (immunology) Of a couple with both partners either HIV positive or HIV negative.

What does GL mean on Grindr?

First Definition of GL

Definition: Good Luck
Type: Abbreviation
Guessability: 2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What does NSA mean Grindr?

No Strings Attached
NSA: This stands for ‘No Strings Attached’.