Why was the problem of capital flight so serious in many developing countries?

Since the emergence of the debt crisis, capital flight has been an increasing source of concern for policy makers in developing coun- tries because it implies a loss of resources that could have been used to increase domestic investment and to service debt.

What are the consequences of capital flight?

It reduces the strength of the economy – and of the government, as it means a loss of tax revenue. Additionally, rapid capital outflows reduce the purchasing power of citizens in the affected country, and major assets may be devalued.

What is the impact of illicit financial flows in Zimbabwe?

Zimbabwe has lost a cumulative US$12 billion in the last three decades through illicit financial flows ranging from secret financial deals, tax avoidance and illegal commercial activities (African Development Bank and Global Financial Integrity, 2013).

What is unrecorded capital flight?

Capital flight is usually defined as unrecorded capital outflows and measured as the missing residual in the balance of payments, after corrections for underreported external borrowing and trade misinvoicing. All capital flight is illicit, but not all illicit financial flows are capital flight.

How do governments prevent capital flight?

To stem or prevent capital flight, a government may impose capital controls to limit the amount of money people can take out of a country.

How does capital flight impact our social mobility?

Thus, capital flight is likely to have negative impacts on equality, with wealthy citizens escaping higher taxation, or lower after tax returns at home, while poorer citizens face higher taxation and cuts in social services.

How do capital flights work?

Capital flight is the outflow of capital from a country due to negative monetary policies, such as currency depreciation, or carry trades in which low interest rate currencies are exchanged for higher-return assets.

How do you calculate capital flight?

The World Bank’s technique calculates capital flight as the difference between capital inflows (the sum of the change in foreign debt stock and net direct investment) and the sum of the current account deficit and increases in the official reserves.

How do you combat illicit financial flows?

GFI believes the most effective way to limit illicit financial flows is to increase financial transparency and recommends governments enact policies to:

  1. Detect and deter cross-border tax evasion;
  2. Eliminate anonymous shell companies;
  3. Strengthen anti-money laundering laws and practices;

What are illicit funds?

Illicit financial flows, in economics, are a form of illegal capital flight that occurs when money is illegally earned, transferred, or spent.

How do you stop a capital flight?

Is capital flight a crime?

Legality. Capital flight may be legal or illegal under domestic law. Legal capital flight is recorded on the books of the entity or individual making the transfer, and earnings from interest, dividends, and realized capital gains normally return to the country of origin.