Why was the Life Orientation Test lot Revised?
Why was the Life Orientation Test lot Revised?
AS The revised scale was constructed in order to eliminate two items from the original scale, which dealt more with coping style than with positive expectations for future outcomes. The correlation between the revised scale and the original scale is. 95.
What does the Life Orientation Test-Revised measure?
Developed by psychologist Michael Scheier and colleagues (1994), the Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) is a 10-item scale that measures how optimistic or pessimistic people feel about the future.
How do you read a lot r?
I’m always optimistic about my future. I enjoy my friends a lot. It’s important for me to keep busy. I hardly ever expect things to go my way….Scoring and Interpretation of the LOT-R.
Score Range | Interpretation |
0-13 | Low Optimism (High Pessimism) |
14-18 | Moderate Optimism |
19-24 | High Optimism (Low Pessimism) |
What is the lot test?
The Life Orientation Test (LOT) was developed to assess individual differences in generalized optimism versus pessimism. This measure, and its successor the LOT-R, have been used in a good deal of research on the behavioral, affective, and health consequences of this personality variable.
Why was the Life Orientation Test lot revised quizlet?
Why was The Life Orientation Test (LOT) revised? Because it overlapped with neuroticism.
What does the Life Orientation Test lot measure quizlet?
What is the LOT? Life Orientation Test. This was the instrument that they used to measure dispositional optimism. About 14 items, and measures an individuals expectations for good outcomes in the future.
What is optimism scale?
Optimism scale (Pedrosa et al., 2015) This nine-item scale assesses dispositional optimism with items such as “When I think about the future, I am positive”. Responses were given on a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree; to 5 (Strongly Agree).
How is optimism measure?
The most common ways of measuring dispositional or trait optimism have been asking about people’s generalized expectancies via self-report questionnaires like the Life Orientation Test (LOT) [47] and the more commonly used 6-item Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) [48] that asks positively- and negatively-framed …
What does the life Orientation Test lot measure quizlet?
What are the three components of successful aging according to the MacArthur Study of Successful Aging?
The MacArthur study operationalized three criteria of successful aging: freedom from disease and disability, high cognitive and physical functioning, as well as active engagement with life.
What are the benefits of juvenile play?
What are the benefits of juvenile play? It promotes higher levels of creativity and influences brain development. How might joy and contentment have an “undoing” potential for negative emotions? They act as antidotes to negative emotions.
What is pessimism scale?
The Revised Optimism-Pessimism (PSM-R) scale was developed for use with either the MMPI-2 or the MMPI. The scale measures explanatory style on a continuum from optimistic to pessimistic by using 263 MMPI items of the original 298-item Optimism-Pessimism (PSM) scale.