Why was The Doctor put in the pandorica?

The Pandorica was actually a prison built by the Alliance for the Doctor to stop him from inadvertently destroying all of creation in every Universe. They believed the Doctor would be responsible for the destruction of existence itself.

Who says silence will fall in the Pandorica Opens?

Prisoner Zero
The Eleventh Hour Prisoner Zero says that the Pandorica will open and silence will fall.

Who got the pandorica?

The Doctor : Now, the question for the hour is, “Who’s got the Pandorica?” Answer: I do. Next question: “Who’s coming to take it from me?” The Doctor : Come on, look at me! No plan, no backup, no weapons worth a damn, oh, and something else I don’t have: anything to lose!

What’s inside the Pandorica Box?

Knowing the TARDIS exploding would cause the cracks destroying reality, they believe only the Doctor can operate the TARDIS, and thus removing him will prevent the explosion. As the Doctor is sealed inside the Pandorica, every star in the sky goes supernova.

What is the oldest question in the universe Doctor Who?

This question was “the First Question, the oldest question in the universe, that must never be answered, hidden in plain sight”. Dorium Maldovar told the Eleventh Doctor that the question was: “Doctor who?”, which was a question the Doctor had been apparently running from his entire life.

How did Doctor escape Pandorica?

By flying into the explosion, the Pandorica, like the Doctor, is erased. Events involving the Pandorica are gone from people’s memory, seemingly leaving enough residue in the timeline for the Pandorica to become a fairy-tale.

Was Amy in the Pandorica?

In the episode, the time-travelling archaeologist River Song (Alex Kingston) summons alien time traveller the Doctor (Matt Smith) and his companion Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) to Roman Britain in 102 AD, where underneath Stonehenge lies a fabled prison called the Pandorica that legend tells holds the most fearsome being in …