Why was Jason Biggs replaced in TMNT?

‘ Yes, Jason Biggs lost his job on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when his social media activity was offensive enough to enough people that there were many calls to Nickelodeon to protest his involvement with the show.

Who is the fourth Ninja Turtle?

The names of the four ninja turtles are Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Ninja turtle master’s name is Master Splinter.

Who is the new female Ninja Turtle?

TMNT Redefines First Female Turtle’s Sexist Name with Horrifying New Form. After 24 years in the wilderness, Venus de Milo, a former member of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, returns with a change for the better.

Why did Seth Green voice Leonardo?

Trivia. Green took the role because his wife’s favorite Turtle is Leonardo, and he wanted to play a character his wife already had “the hots for.” At this, Rob Paulsen said that it was “very convenient.”

How old is Casey Jones TMNT?


Casey Jones
Height 5′ 8″
Enemies Evil Mutants, The Foot Clan, The Kraang, Hun, Purple Dragons, Speed Demon, Shredder, Newtralizer, Ho Chan, Don Vizioso, Triceratons, Armaggon, Lord Dregg, Hattori Tatsu, Kavaxas
Age 17
Voiced by Josh Peck

Who was the 5th Ninja Turtle?

The fifth turtle of that series would be Venus, another ordinary turtle exposed to mutagen along with the four originals but forgotten by Splinter.

Do the Ninja Turtles have a sister?

Venus or Vee is one of the five main protagonists in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and a member of the TMNT. She is the youngest adoptive sister of Karai, younger sister of Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo and youngest daughter of Master Splinter.

Why is Leonardo’s voice different?

When Leonardo’s voice actor was changed between seasons two and three, it was explained in-show as being the result of damage to his larynx during his battle with the Foot Clan in “The Invasion, Part 2”. Since then, he was hence forth and for the duration of the series voiced by Seth Green.