Why was Hershey sued over black licorice?

The lawsuit was filed by the Law Offices of Jonathan E. Neuman and attorney Walter T. Grabowski on behalf of four plaintiffs who claim that they suffered severe health impacts due to consumption of Hershey candies containing glycyrrhizin, the sweetening compound derived from licorice root.

Is Twizzlers black licorice really licorice?

Twizzlers Black Licorice Twists, for example, gets its flavor from licorice extract, which is derived from licorice root as well as added natural and artificial flavors, according to Jeff Beckman, a spokesperson for Hershey which produces Twizzlers.

Are there any health benefits to black licorice?

It can help digestion. It can even ease symptoms from indigestion, heartburn and ulcers. Black licorice extracts have been linked to a reduction in the bacteria that cause ulcers. Furthermore, when combined with standard acid reflux medication, black licorice can help you have fewer episodes.

Does all black licorice contain glycyrrhizin?

While the FDA says not all licorice or licorice-flavored products actually contain glycyrrhizin (some contain anise oil instead or have had the glycyrrhizin removed), it did caution people of all ages not to eat a large amount of glycyrrhizin-containing black licorice all at once and to stop eating it immediately and …

Why Twizzlers are better than Red Vines?

Consistency and Taste Red Vines: Chewy, yet easily breakable, with a subtly sweet, nondescript berry flavor. Twizzlers: Considerably more gelatinous once chewed, and often adhere to teeth. The strawberry flavor and aroma are unmistakable, but so is the sweetness.

What happens if you eat too many Twizzlers?

The issue, according to that agency, is that glycyrrhizic acid can cause the body’s potassium levels to drop. “When that happens, some people experience abnormal heart rhythms, as well as high blood pressure, edema (swelling), lethargy, and congestive heart failure,” The FDA warns.

What is real black licorice?

Black licorice is made from licorice root Black licorice candy is actually made from the licorice root, from the plant with the scientific name of Glycyrrhiza glabra. Now, that’s a mouthful! Per Britannica, this plant is native to southern Europe and is actually a part of the legume family.

Can black licorice cause high blood pressure?

Eating more than 57g (2 ounces) of black liquorice a day for at least 2 weeks could lead to potentially serious health problems, such as an increase in blood pressure and an irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia).

What is the healthiest licorice?

WINNER: Red licorice. Many people assume that black licorice root can alleviate health issues. This hasn’t been proven, but eating large quantities of black licorice may be dangerous to people 40 and older because a compound in it has been linked to heart problems, according to the FDA.

Does black licorice help you poop?

Tea made from licorice root is a popular tonic for digestive issues. Licorice root has an anti-inflammatory effect, and it may aid digestion. After a meal has settled, drinking a cup of licorice root tea may soothe the digestive system and encourage a bowel movement.

What medications should not be taken with licorice?

ACE inhibitors and diuretics. If you are taking angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or diuretics for high blood pressure, you should not use licorice products. Licorice could cause these medications to not work as well, or could make side effects worse, including a build up of potassium in the body.

What flavor is black licorice?

The flavor of black licorice candy can taste sweet and slightly bitter, with notes of anise and fennel.