Why should you not swim in the Nile river?
Why should you not swim in the Nile river?
We loved travelling along the Nile but would not recommend swimming in it (like we did) or you may get infected with a parasite called schistosomiasis.
Which country owns the Nile river?
Egypt entirely controls the river’s flow from the moment it crosses the border from Sudan and is captured by the High Aswan dam, built by Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser with Russian help in the 1960s.
Is the Nile river filthy?
Despite its importance, the Nile is still heavily polluted in Egypt by waste water and rubbish poured directly in to it, as well as agricultural runoff and industrial waste, with consequences for biodiversity, especially fishing, and human health, experts say.
Is the Nile river still clean?
The water quality of mid-stream Nile water is still, at a clean level on an average, due to the dilution effect and the degradation of the discharged pollutants (Abdel-Satar, 2005).
Is the Nile infested with crocodiles?
Nile River, Africa The infestation of crocodiles in the Nile is to such an extent that the Nile crocodile in itself is a type of the species now. The Nile crocodile has been described as a vicious man-eater, one that does not discriminate in the species that become its prey.
Are there alligators in the Nile river?
The Nile is not a natural habitat for alligators. They are native to the United States and China. Gator snouts are wider and rounder than a crocodile’s, with a top jaw that hides the bottom teeth. They are, according to the Crocodile Biology Database online, less tolerant of saltwater.
Why is it called Blue Nile?
Saifeddin says the name ‘Blue Nile’ was given to the River by Sudanese who call everything which is dark in color ‘Azraq(Blue). They called this Nile blue because of its dark turbid color due to the heavy silt it carries, in comparison with the White Nile that seems clear.
Why is Ethiopia building the dam?
The dam is in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region of Ethiopia, about 45 km (28 mi) east of the border with Sudan. The primary purpose of the dam is electricity production to relieve Ethiopia’s acute energy shortage and for electricity export to neighboring countries.
Does the Nile smell?
The Nile has an opalescent black hue that, in shallow depths, becomes transparent. It has a fresh smell.
Is Nile water drinkable?
“The Nile is the main source of drinking water in Egypt and improvement in its water quality means safer drinking water for Egyptians. Over 85 percent of the country’s water is consumed annually by irrigation.
Which is the dirtiest river in the world?
The Citarum river
The Citarum river in West Java is considered the dirtiest river in the world. Textile factories discharge tons of untreated toxic waste into the river every day.