Why not to go under an overpass during a tornado?
Why not to go under an overpass during a tornado?
The reality is: an overpass may be one of the worst places to seek shelter from a tornado. An overpass as tornado shelter can put people at a greater risk of being killed or seriously injured by flying debris from the powerful tornado winds. Wind speeds in tornadoes can exceed 200 mph.
Are underpasses safe during tornado?
Even though the study didn’t find a wind tunnel effect, sheltering under an overpass during a tornado may still be dangerous, the researchers added in a journal news release. Wind may not decelerate, depending on the location, and flying debris may reach areas of the overpass that appear to be protected from the wind.
Is a culvert a safe place in a tornado?
Don’t stay in a mobile home during a tornado. If there is no shelter nearby, lie flat in the nearest ditch, ravine, or culvert and shield your head with your hands.
Should you open windows during a tornado?
According to the experts, opening the windows will only succeed in letting the winds into the house so that internal supports can be shaken apart which will weaken the house even more. The bottom line is – don’t open your windows. It’s a waste of time! Try to outrun a tornado.
What is the safest place during a tornado?
Being in a reinforced safe room (or above-ground tornado shelter) is as good as an underground shelter in most situations and is usually the best place to be during a tornado. The National Weather Service says safe rooms are specially-designed reinforced tornado shelters built into homes, schools and other buildings.
Can you outrun a tornado in a car?
Do not attempt to outrun a tornado in your car. AccuWeather suggests that if you are far enough away from a tornado, drive in a 90-degree angle away from the twister. If the tornado is close, abandon your car and seek shelter in a sturdy structure.
Should you lay in a ditch during a tornado?
In situations that involve heavy traffic that make an escape impossible while the tornado is moving towards you, it’s best to abandon your vehicle and seek shelter in a ditch or nearby building. If seeking shelter in a ditch, move as far away from the vehicles as possible, lying flat and covering your head.