Why is Yuudachi called poi?

~poi in Japanese means “maybe”, “perhaps” or “seems like”, something added to the end of a sentence if the speaker isn’t too sure of the result and end up concluding the sentence by guessing.

What is Yuudachi Azur lane?

Yuudachi is a character from the Azur Lane anime and game. Yuudachi is a Destroyer from Sakura Empire and is part of the Shiratsuyu-class. In the XP4 fics, Yuudachi debuted in the XP4 Heroes Coalition – Azur Lane.

What does Kantai Collection mean?

Fleet Collection
Kantai Collection (Japanese: 艦隊これくしょん, Hepburn: Kantai Korekushon, lit. “Fleet Collection”), abbreviated as KanColle (艦これ, KanKore), is a Japanese free-to-play web browser game developed by Kadokawa Games and published by DMM.com.

Is kantai a collection?

Kantai Collection, also known as KanColle, is an online browser game in which one assumes the role of an admiral, assembles a fleet of kanmusu (‘ship girls’ based on World War II-era ships and submarines), & battles against fleets of unknown warships.

What does Yuudachi mean?

Name. Yūdachi. Namesake. 夕立 (“Evening Squall”) Ordered.

What does POI mean in wows?

Poi means poi. 1. ExESGO Skill (Torpedo) to the Max • 7 yr.

What is the drop rate of Yuudachi?

(Retrofit) Feral Claws: Increase this ship’s Evasion Rate by 5%, and decrease her damage taken from shelling by 5% (15%)….Yuudachi.

ExpandSakura Empire Ships
Battleship Super Rare Kaga (Battleship) – Kii – Mikasa – Nagato – Suruga – Tosa
Priority Izumo
Light Aircraft Carrier Common

Why Azur Lane is better than KanColle?

Much of the tedious micromanagement in Kancolle is also streamlined in Azur Lane. For example, players don’t have to manually repair or resupply the shipgirls, and construction is also simplified to just choosing a category. Overall, Azur Lane can be enjoyed without incurring a lot of stress.

Is Azur Lane KanColle?

Mind you, I’m not going to say that “Azur Lane” is a copy of “KanColle”. Its gameplay design is such an improvement over “Kancolle’s” that I can hardly even call “KanColle” a game without breaking out in laughter. But there are also other differences that make Azur Lane far inferior.

What is Poi Japanese?

In Japanese, “poi” (っぽい) means “apparently,” “supposedly,” “seems like,” or even “~ish.” It’s a pretty common and basic word.