Why is there a web guard on my phone?

Web Guard stops attackers from spying on or hijacking your web browser. It protects you from explicit or unwanted websites when you are browsing through your mobile.

How do I turn off the Web Guard feature?

Still having issues?

  1. On your Android device, open Phone Manager.
  2. From the main console, tap Launch.
  3. Look for Trend Micro Mobile Security from the list, then toggle the switch to ON.
  4. Enable the following: Auto-launch.
  5. The system will restart all running apps and Mobile Security’s Accessibility will be disabled.

How do I disable Webguard on Chrome?

Select MORE > PROFILE SETTINGS > FAMILY CONTROLS. If you have multiple lines on your account, use the down arrow and select the line you want to make changes to. Select Web Guard, then select High, Medium, Low, or No Filtering (this means Web Guard is off).

What websites does web guard block?

This article has been viewed 216,608 times. Web Guard, an optional feature offered to T-Mobile wireless subscribers, blocks access to any websites that feature adult content; such as those with information about violence, guns, pornography, and drugs.

Can T-Mobile account holder see Internet history?

Tmobile only tracks data usage not where surfing history.

What is T-Mobile device block?

The description it provides is “Blocks all chargeable messages (e-mail, text, picture, and instant messages). Please note: If you select this service, you will no longer be able to send or receive any type of messages, even if you have a messaging bundle.

Can Tmobile account holder see Internet history?

What is T mobile device block?

Can TMobile account holder see Internet history?

What can T-Mobile account holder see?

text messages
Regular account holders can only see the content of their text messages. They can’t see anything else. They enjoy the same privileges as any other cellular network user.

Can T-Mobile account holder read text messages?

Best answer by tmo_chris The primary account holder or users with full access can see time stamp information of messages through my.t-mobile.com.

How do I turn off T-Mobile tracking?

Locate and check-in. Android 10 location accuracy improvement: setting change….Canceling your subscription

  1. Log in to your T-Mobile account.
  2. Choose My account.
  3. Select Profile.
  4. Choose Family Control.
  5. Select FamilyWhere.
  6. Select Settings.
  7. Under Settings select Unsubscribe from FamilyWhere.
  8. Select Unsubscribe.