Why is sodium Vapour lamp used in street lights?
Why is sodium Vapour lamp used in street lights?
It is most visible in street lighting. Sodium-vapour lamps are good for night-time illumination because of their high efficiency and because the light they produce penetrates mist and fog particularly well.
Are street light sodium lamps?
There are two kinds of sodium lights: Low Pressure (LPS) and High Pressure (HPS). These lamps are mostly used for street lighting as well as industrial uses. The lamp works by creating an electric arc through vaporized sodium metal.
What vapour is used in street lamps?
Sodium vapour lamp
Sodium vapour lamp is usually used in street light, because.
What are the advantages of sodium Vapour lamp?
WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF SODIUM VAPOUR LAMPS OVER OTHER LAMPS? Efficiency: Sodium Vapour Lamps are very efficient, turning one watt of power into a whopping 200 lumens! Compare this with the 12 lumens per watt of an incandescent bulb, or the 60 lumens per watt of a CFL, or the 90 lumens per watt of FTL.
Why are sodium street lights yellow?
Low-pressure sodium lights give off a yellow or orange glow because they only produce a single wavelength of yellow light, which results in a less intense light output. The glass bulb houses solid sodium metal that vaporizes once the light is turned on.
Are sodium lamps still used?
High pressure sodium bulbs (“lamps”) are an old standby for lighting that’s still used today in spite of so much talk of LED lights. While upgrading to LED provides a lot of benefits, high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps still provide some of the most efficient lighting available.
What are street lights made of?
Street lights are commonly made of corrosion resistant metal such as aluminum or a strong plastic material such as high density polyethylene to be able to withstand the outdoor elements. Street lights are commonly pole-mounted, on either dedicated poles or existing utility poles.
What is difference between sodium light and LED light?
The biggest differences between LED and High-Pressure Sodium lights are color temperature and CRI. LED lights have a wider variety of color temperatures along with higher CRIs. LED Area Lights have a much easier immanence than High Pressure Sodium lights.
How does a sodium vapor lamp work?
In a high pressure sodium lamp, a compact arc tube contains a mixture of xenon, sodium and mercury. The xenon gas which is easily ionized, facilitates striking the arc when voltage is applied across the electrodes. The heat generated by the arc then vaporizes the mercury and sodium.
Which property of sodium is used in street lights?
The property of sodium atom to emit photons in yellow region of visible spectrum, due to electrically stimulated electron transitions is used in street lights.