Why is my Xbox Gamertag not allowed?

If the gamertag reports as not allowed it is only because it is blocked on the XBL side for a reason. This is likely due to illegal names (profanity etc), prior abuse with a banned account (spam, cheating), hacked account (closed for security), or that it is taken.

Are Xbox Gamertags free now?

Your first gamertag change is free, regardless of how many changes you made before the update in the past. Subsequent changes are the same as before ($9.99 USD).

How can I change my gamertag twice for free?

Unfortunately, you only get ONE free gamertag change. For any additional gamertag changes, the cost is 800 Microsoft points.

How can I get a free Xbox Gamertag?

Ways to change your gamertag

  1. Go to the official website:
  2. Sign in with the Microsoft account email address and password associated with your gamertag.
  3. Enter the new gamertag you want in the text box and select Check availability.
  4. On the next page, review how the gamertag will look across Xbox services.

How long does it take for a Gamertag to become available?

If the gamertag hasn’t signed into any Microsoft service for 2 years, then it’ll become available. Was this reply helpful?

How can I change my 2021 gamertag for free?

Press the Xbox button on your controller, then select System > Settings > Personalization > My profile > Customize profile. Select your gamertag, then select it again to type a new gamertag or select one from the suggested list.

Is changing Gamertag free?

Your Xbox gamertag is created for you the first time you sign in. If you don’t like it, you can change it once for free. Here’s a way to do it on your Xbox One console: Press the Xbox button on your controller, then select System > Settings > Personalization > My profile > Customize profile.

Why is Xbox charging me to change my gamertag?

They charge for Gamertag changes because of the change of records. They have FILES upon FILES with your name on it. Everytime you license transfer, buy anything, send a message, earn an achievment.