Why is my Spotify not working in offline mode?

Verify if Your Spotify Premium is Active As we’ve mentioned in the article’s introduction, offline listening is a feature exclusive to Spotify Premium users. Hence, if your account’s Spotify Premium status isn’t active, you won’t be able to listen to your songs offline or even download them.

How do I fix Spotify offline mode on Android?

To “solve” this issue, just clear app data (go to Android Settings -> Apps -> Spotify -> Clear data), launch Spotify, connect it to your account and do not synchronize playlists.

Why can’t I play my downloaded music on Spotify?

Do a clean reinstall. Enable Permissions for Spotify: Mobile Settings> Apps> Spotify> Permissions. Allow everything you see there. Check if Spotify is not selected for battery optimization: Mobile settings> Apps> Spotify> Battery> Optimize battery usage> select top All (not optimized for apps)> Spotify> disable.

How do I play Spotify offline?

To turn on offline mode on the Spotify Android and iOS app:

  1. Open the Spotify mobile app and go to Settings by pressing the gear-shaped button in the upper-right corner of the Home screen.
  2. Scroll down to the section marked Playback.
  3. Press Offline mode to turn on offline mode.

Where is offline mode on Spotify?

Spotify: Here’s How to Go Offline

  1. Step 1: On the Spotify home screen, tap the gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Step 2: Tap “Playback.”
  3. Step 3: Tap the toggle to the right of “Offline” to go offline. You can repeat these steps at a later time to turn offline mode off.

How do I listen to music offline?

Because of that, there are many great apps you can use to listen to your music collection without an internet connection….

  1. Musify.
  2. Google Play Music.
  3. AIMP.
  4. Music Player.
  5. Shazam.
  6. JetAudio.
  7. YouTube Go.
  8. Poweramp.

How do I listen to Spotify songs offline?

Select the playlist, album, or podcast you want to listen to offline. Switch the download toggle ON—it will turn green so you know it’s working. Once tracks in your library are downloaded, you’ll see a little green arrow below each song name. Connect your headphones and start listening, no matter where you are!

How do you turn on offline sync on Spotify?

Step-1 Open up the Spotify app and go to your playlists section. Step-2 Select the playlist you want to mark for offline sync and swipe right on the Available Offline button. Step-3 Go to Settings and turn on offline mode. These three steps should enable you to listen to your favorite playlists offline.

Can I play Spotify without internet?

Download your music and podcasts, and take them anywhere your internet can’t go. On Premium, you can download albums, playlists, and podcasts. On the free version of Spotify, you can download podcasts.

Can we listen to Spotify offline?