Why is my filler swelling months later?

Delayed hypersensitivity reactions are characterized by induration, erythema, and edema and are mediated by T lymphocytes rather than antibodies. They typically occur 48–72 hours after injection but may be seen as late as several weeks postinjection and may persist for many months.

Can filler migrate after 3 months?

Different fillers should be injected at different depths within the skin, and a poorly placed filler may create problems months later. Though filler migration is very uncommon, its likelihood increases when fillers are performed by an inexperienced or underqualified injector.

Can juvederm cause permanent lumps?

Lumps and Bumps After JUVÉDERM™ Injections In some instances, patients may also notice mild lumps or bumps following JUVÉDERM™ treatment. These are uneven areas of the dermal filler settling in the skin. Like the side effects we’ve noted above, these lumps and bumps are generally temporary and resolve on their own.

Can lip filler swell months later?

Swelling after a few months could be due to a few reasons: Late onset inflammatory response to hyaluronic acid. This is a rare complication which can occur 4-5 months after treatment but in extremely rare cases up to 14 months after. This information is readily treatable with oral steroids.

Can your body reject fillers?

Although dermal fillers are generally thought to be safe, all foreign materials have potential ability to cause adverse reactions. HA is composed of polysaccharides and has same structure in all species; therefore, the risks of an implant rejection or an immune response are low.

Does massaging filler break it down?

Massage can encourage the filler to be broken up by the body more quickly. But in practice this still takes a long time (like weeks of daily vigorous massage) to improve the outcome.

Do filler granulomas go away?

The prognosis is such that with medical or surgical management, the granuloma should resolve completely. If surgery is used, there may be a small amount of residual scarring that is visible. This is a well-known risk of the use of any soft tissue filler.

What does a vascular occlusion feel and look like?

A) Vascular occlusion usually causes some pain or discomfort, but may only manifest itself by the appearance of blanching, bluish discoloration, or mottling of the skin. Anything that seems unusual even hours after dermal filler injection should be reported immediately to your treatment provider.