Why is mare Humorum roughly circular?
Why is mare Humorum roughly circular?
They are typically circular in outline because they tend to fill the bottoms of very large, very old impact basins. Smaller mare patches also occur in the floors of some impact craters.
What is the diameter of Mare Imbrium?
1145 km
With a diameter of 1145 km, Mare Imbrium is second only to Oceanus Procellarum in size among the maria, and it is the largest mare associated with an impact basin.
How did maria form on the Moon?
Planetary Satellites, Natural The result was the melting and eruption of basaltic lava onto the lunar surface between 3.8 to about 2.8 billion years ago to form the lunar maria. This lava was highly fluid under the weaker gravitational field of the Moon and spread over vast distances.
What is the meaning of Rilles?
rille, any of various valleys or trenches on the surface of the Moon. The term was introduced by early telescopic observers—probably by the German astronomer Johann Schröter about 1800—to denote such lunar features. The word rima (from Latin, “fissure”) is often used for the same kind of features.
Where is the Plato crater?
the Moon
Plato is a lava-filled lunar impact crater on the Moon. Its diameter is 101 km. It was named after ancient Greek philosopher Plato. It is located on the northeastern shore of the Mare Imbrium, at the western extremity of the Montes Alpes mountain range.
What is the largest rock on the Moon?
Big Muley
The biggest Moon rock brought back to Earth by Apollo astronauts was one called “Big Muley,” which weighs 11.7kg/26 pounds and was found by Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke at Plum Crater at the Moon’s Descartes Highlands in 1972. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes.
How many maria are on the Moon?
After the moon was hit with meteorites, the impact basins that formed as a result were filled with lava that oozed out from the surface (because the moon was still cooling down). We hope the list of 20 notable maria and their unique features will make it easy for you to find them when you go lunar maria-hunting!
How old is lunar maria?
between 3.1 and 3.9 billion years ago
The lunar maria (or plains), which were formed between 3.1 and 3.9 billion years ago, are the youngest geologic units on the lunar surface, except for more recent impact craters.
How did rilles form on the Moon?
Arcuate rilles have a smooth curve and are found on the edges of the dark lunar maria. They are believed to have formed when the lava flows that created a mare cooled, contracted and sank.