Why is Makar Sankranti on 15th?
Why is Makar Sankranti on 15th?
We only have 365 days in a year so in the time of four years Calendar lags by one day so we need to adjust it by leap day, 29 February. But Makar Sankranti falls before leap day correction is made therefore on every fourth year it falls on 15 January.
Is Sankranti on 14th or 15th?
When is Makar Sankranti? This is a popular Hindu festival that occurs on or around January 14th across India. The day is known by various names and there is a variety of different customs observed in the different Indian states.
Is Makar Sankranti always on 14 January?
Makar Sankranti 2022: The festival marks the day the sun transits into Makara Rashi or Capricorn zodiac. As per the solar calendar, it falls on 14 January every year. The festival also marks the end of winter and the beginning of a new harvest season.
Where is bhogi celebrated?
Bhogi festival is celebrated a day before Makar Sankranti, marked on January 13 this year. The festival is mainly celebrated in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and Maharashtra.
What is celebrated on 15th January?
Army Day
Army Day is celebrated on 15 January every year in India, in recognition of Field Marshal Kodandera M. Cariappa’s (then a Lieutenant General) taking over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from General Francis Roy Bucher , the last British Commander-in-Chief of India, on 15 January 1949.
Which day is celebrated on 13th January?
13 January – Lohri Festival Lohri is the first festival of the year 2022 and marks the beginning of the harvest season. It is celebrated with full enthusiasm in northern India, mainly Punjab, and Haryana.
How is 14 Jan celebrated in India?
Usually, Makar Sankranti is celebrated on January 14, but sometimes due to the transition in Sun (Surya) position, it falls a day later, i.e. January 15 respectively. In Delhi and Haryana, Ghee Churma, kheer or halwa is prepared on this day.