Why is it called the Ballmer Peak?
Why is it called the Ballmer Peak?
Randall named the peak after Steve Ballmer, as if discovered by him; this references the analogously named Balmer peaks (with one ‘L’), and the idea that Steve Ballmer makes for an easy association of programming and alcohol. The peak of the curve occurs at a BAC of 0.1337%, which is a reference to leet.
What is the optimal BAC?
According to Dr. Dasgupta’s research, the perfect BAC in accordance with these moderate drinking guidelines is 0.04 – 0.05%. When your BAC is in this range, you feel good, you gain all the health benefits from the alcohol, and you should not appear overly impaired.
Can Steve Ballmer’s code?
Ballmer never wrote a line of code in his life. Neither did Steve Jobs, who can be just as nasty as Gates or Ballmer. But he’s got an eye for good design and a focus on the user experience neither of them ever demonstrated.
Do programmers drink alcohol?
As Yerkes-Dodson’s law shows, performance and arousal are correlated, the Ballmer Peak, named after Steve Ballmer of Microsoft, holds that drinking alcohol improves cognition up to a point. According to anecdotal evidence, optimal programming usually happens after two beers.
How much money is Steve Ballmer worth?
88 billion USD (2022)Steve Ballmer / Net worth
As of November 2021, Bloomberg Billionaires Index estimates his personal wealth at $117 billion, ranking him as the 8th richest person in the world.
Is the balmers peak real?
“Thish ish muh besht coding evuh (hiccup)!” The Ballmer Peak is a fictional level of drunkenness that supposedly heightens a computer programmer’s skills.
Why do programmers drink beer?
of all the drinks that humans can possibly allow in the office space, with the exception of coffee, beer is probably the most popular one, especially for late afternoons. it appears that beer has the quality that makes it a secret productivity booster, which is never advertised as such, but rather taken jokingly.