Why is it 120 stars in Mario 64?

With 15 different stages, each containing seven Power Stars each, and 15 Secret Stars to be found around the castle, that makes for a whopping 120 Power Stars in Super Mario 64. However you might play through the game and notice that there are only six missions for each stage.

What happens when you get all 120 stars in Super Mario 64?

Once you start the game, immediately go to the left. Normally, there’s a grate covering an opening, but after 120 stars, it’s open. This allows you to jump in the canon and shoot anywhere, including the top of the castle – which has a lot of goodies.

What is the hardest star in sm64?

Wing Mario Over The Rainbow The flight controls in Super Mario 64 are infamous for being stiff and hard to control. Put Mario in a level completely designed around the flight cap, and it is no secret as to why this is one of the hardest Mario stars.

What is the hardest level in Super Mario 64?

Super Mario: 15 Hardest Stars In Super Mario 64

  1. 1 Big Penguin Race.
  2. 2 Elevator Tour in the Volcano.
  3. 3 Snowman’s Big Head.
  4. 4 100 Coins in Tick Tock Clock.
  5. 5 Wing Mario Over the Rainbow.
  6. 6 Navigating the Toxic Maze.
  7. 7 Wall Kicks Will Work.
  8. 8 Peach’s Secret Slide #2.

Is Mario 64 difficult?

Mario’s first 3D outing is arguably one of the most challenging titles in the franchise. Simply beating it is fairly straightforward, but actually completing it can be a difficult task even for those who are used to the game’s mechanics and wonky camera.

What’s the hardest level in Mario 64?

At the highest speeds, Tick Tock Clock is arguably the hardest level in the game, and perfect fodder for players looking for a true platforming challenge Even without the fast speeds, it is certainly the purest platform level in Super Mario 64, and is another level that has been referenced several times across Mario …

Is Cappy a boo?

There’s no was Cappy can be a Boo.” Now with knowledge of ghosts from the many games, we can show that Boos can move and change their shape freely with different Boo variants like Stretch. So it’d be fairly simple for a Boo to change where on their body their arms are at and the tail is just light.

Is DK older than Mario?

Although most people do not realize it, both Donkey Kong and Mario were both Nintendo games that were released in 1981. This means that one did not come before the other, but instead were released at almost exactly the same time.