Why is a bat the logo for Bacardi?

It was in the original Cuban distillery that his wife discovered fruit bats hanging from the rafters. She took the creatures’ presence as a sign of good fortune (bats were thought to be a good omen back in the day, presumably before legends of vampires and other terrors of the night caught hold of our imaginations).

What liquor bottle has a bat on it?

Despite being one of the most popular and well-known rum brands on the planet (and the world’s largest privately held spirits company), Bacardi has maintained an air of mystery — specifically when it comes to its logo.

What company has a bat logo?

These days, Bacardi sell over 200 million bottles of rum a year. With the bat on every single one, it’s probably one of the most recognisable brand symbols EVER.

Is Bacardi made with bats?

October 28, 2016 — If you’ve ever looked closely at a Bacardi label you’ll notice it incorporates a bat. The company’s association with bats dates back to its founding in 1862 when Doña Amalia Bacardí, the founder’s wife, spotted a colony of fruit bats in the rafters of the first Bacardi distillery in Santiago de Cuba.

What animal is on BACARDÍ rum?

In the rafters of this building lived fruit bats – the inspiration for the Bacardi bat logo. It was the idea of Doña Amalia, Facundo’s wife, to adopt the bat to the rum bottle when she recognized its symbolism of family unity, good health, and good fortune to her husband’s homeland of Spain.

What is the Bacardi logo?

What replaced Bacardi 151?

There are several overproof rums with high alcohol content that can replace Bacardi 151. A few examples are Gosling’s Black Seal Dark 151 Rum, Lemon Hart 151 or the Pusser’s British Navy Overproof Rum. These rums are some of the very best overproof rums in the market today.

What is rum made from?

Most rums are made from molasses, the residue remaining after sugar has been crystallized from sugarcane juice, containing as much as 5 percent sugar. Some countries import molasses for use in rum production.