Why does Windows 8 keep freezing?

You may see Windows freezing periodically if there is an issue with an important driver on your system. Display drivers, Bluetooth drivers, network drivers, and motherboard drivers can all contribute to temporary freezing of the system.

Why does my computer keep freezing on the Internet?

The problem usually occurs due to outdated or corrupted Wireless LAN driver after users upgrade from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10. Reported, the notebook PC “constantly and intermittently freezes” when connected to WiFi, but it functions normally with a wired connection.

How do I fix my Internet connection on Windows 8?

At the Start screen, type Control Panel to open the Search charm, and then select Control Panel in the Search results. Click View network status and tasks. Click Troubleshoot problems. The Network and Internet Troubleshooter opens.

What to do if Windows freezes?

Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to open the Windows Task Manager. If the Task Manager can open, highlight the program that is not responding and choose End Task, which should unfreeze the computer. It could still take ten to twenty seconds for the unresponsive program to be terminated after choosing End Task.

Can malware cause computer freezes?

Check for Malware An infected PC might also cause your PC to slow down or freeze. To make sure your PC isn’t infected, you can run an antivirus program to check for malware. There are plenty of options available.

How do you reset Wi-Fi on Windows 8?

Reset Wi-Fi network on Windows 8.1

  1. Use the Windows key +X keyboard shortcut to bring up the Power User menu and choose Command Prompt (Admin).
  2. Enter the following command and press Enter: netsh wlan delete profile name=type-wireless-profile-name.
  3. Try to reconnect to your network and the problem should be resolved.

How do I update my Wi-Fi driver Windows 8?

From the Start screen, type device manager to open the Search charm, and then select Device Manager from the search results. Double-click Network adapters, and then right-click the name of the Wireless Adapter, and then select Update Driver Software. Click Search automatically for updated driver software.

Why my laptop is slow when connected to Internet?

Spyware and viruses can definitely cause problems, but your Internet connection speed can also be affected by add-on programs, the amount of memory the computer has, hard disk space and condition, and the programs that are running. Two of the most frequent causes of poor Internet performance are spyware and viruses.

How do I unfreeze my computer?

Press and hold the “Ctrl”, “Alt” and “Del” buttons in that order. This may unfreeze the computer, or bring up an option to restart, shut down or open the task manager.