Why does the top lid of my eye keep twitching?

Eyelid twitches, or myokymia, can be caused by eye irritation, eye strain, lack of sleep, dry eyes, or too much caffeine. Severe or long lasting eyelid spasms may be a sign of other conditions. An eyelid twitch, or myokymia, is a repetitive, involuntary spasm of the eyelid muscles.

When should I be worried about my eyelid twitching?

When to worry about an eye twitch. Eyelid or eye twitching that lasts more than a few days or that occurs with other symptoms are indications to speak with a doctor. You should also call a doctor if you cannot control your eyelid or close it all the way.

How do I stop my upper eyelid from twitching?

Avoiding caffeine: Tea, coffee, some sodas, and chocolate can all contain caffeine, which may trigger or worsen eyelid twitching. Try gradually reducing caffeine intake or eliminating caffeine. Getting enough sleep: Taking a nap may help to resolve eyelid twitching.

Can eye twitching be serious?

Eyelid twitching isn’t typically a sign of anything serious. But in some cases, it can be a serious inconvenience or downright annoying, like when you’re driving home from work or sitting in a meeting. Sporadic spasms are common. Thankfully, they usually stop on their own.

Can eye twitching last for weeks?

Eye twitching usually goes away on its own within a few days or weeks with rest, stress relief and decreased caffeine. Schedule an appointment with your doctor if: The twitching doesn’t go away within a few weeks.

Is a twitching eye a symptom of MS?

MS causes progressive damage to myelin, the substance that coats neurons. This damage affects how neurons work, causing symptoms such as pain, tingling, and involuntary movements, including twitches in the eyes and face. It is rare for an eye twitch to be the first MS symptom that a person notices.

What vitamin deficiency causes eye twitching?

Poor Nutrition: A variety of vitamins and minerals are responsible for proper muscle function, and eye twitches can be caused by an imbalance in these nutrients: electrolytes, vitamin B12, vitamin D, or magnesium.

Can vitamin deficiency cause eye twitching?

Our eyes too contain a lot of nerves, so when our body lacks Vitamin B 12 it starts twitching. This one of the initial symptoms of nutrient deficiency and can occur even when vitamin B12 levels are just slightly lower than normal.

Why will my eye not stop twitching?

A: Three common causes for an eye twitch are stress, fatigue and caffeine intake. So the best treatments for an eye twitch are to reduce the stressors in your life, get plenty of rest, and drink fewer caffeinated beverages.