Why does the sound come after an explosion?

The brief blast wave travels faster than the speed of sound, radiating in all directions from the explosion site. As its distance increases from the epicenter, the blast wave loses energy and slows down, becoming an acoustic wave.

What is the difference between high order and low order explosives?

Explosives are categorized as high order explosives or low order explosives. High order explosives have a strong supersonic pressure wave, known as the blast wave or shock wave. Low order explosions have a subsonic explosion and lack the high order explosive blast wave.

Which phase of a blast pressure wave can cause damage?

The high pres- sure of the air-blast that enters through broken windows can cause eardrum damage and lung collapse. As the air-blast damages the building components in its path, missiles are generated that cause impact injuries. Airborne glass fragments typically cause pen- etration or laceration-type injuries.

Which of the following are the most frequent and life threatening injuries associated with an explosion?

“Blast Lung” is the most common fatal injury among initial survivors. Blast lung presents soon after exposure.

How fast is a shockwave in mph?

about 784 miles per hour
At 50 seconds after the explosion, when the fireball is no longer visible, the blast wave has traveled about 12 miles. It is then traveling at about 784 miles per hour, which is slightly faster than the speed of sound at sea level….Overpressure.

Peak overpressure Maximum Wind Speed
10 psi 294 mph
5 psi 163 mph
2 psi 70 mph

What would an explosion in space look like?

An explosion in space would realistically look like a brief spherical burst of light moving outwards, as well as a discharge of energy and material from the exploding object (energy and light can both travel in a vacuum).

What does a shockwave sound like?

Shock waves in air are heard as a loud “crack” or “snap” noise. Over longer distances, a shock wave can change from a nonlinear wave into a linear wave, degenerating into a conventional sound wave as it heats the air and loses energy.

What does exploding feel like?

They feel a jolting sensation that is not like anything they’ve ever experienced before in their lives. It can be much more severe than that and produce unconsciousness and damage to the body. Some of that is related to other aspects of the explosion obviously.

How fast is a nuke?

At 50 seconds after the explosion, when the fireball is no longer visible, the blast wave has traveled about 12 miles. It is then traveling at about 784 miles per hour, which is slightly faster than the speed of sound at sea level….Overpressure.

Peak overpressure Maximum Wind Speed
10 psi 294 mph
5 psi 163 mph
2 psi 70 mph