Why does my marijuana plant have a red stem?

RED OR PURPLE STEMS CAUSED BY STRESS, NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY, OR ENVIRONMENT. Unfortunately, red or purple stems in cannabis can also be a sign of stress. When this is the case, your plants will usually experience some other symptoms that can help you narrow down the root cause of the problem.

What Greens have red stems?

1. Swiss Chard. Chard is from the same vegetable family as beets and it’s available in a variety of colors including beautiful red stems with green leaves. Both the leaves and the stalks are edible and the flavor is slightly bitter, similar to spinach.

What shrub has red stems?

‘Cardinal’: A particularly fast-growing shrub that produces outstanding red-colored stem in the winter. Cream-colored flowers in the spring attract butterflies. White berries form in the fall and are soon eaten by birds.

Can plants recover from Cal-Mag deficiency?

Calcium, magnesium and iron deficiencies often appear together. The best way to restore is to flush your plants with clean pH neutral water, and then resupply the water nutrient solution. You can also supplement your nutrient-water solution with Cal-Mag to avoid calcium and magnesium deficiencies in the future.

What is green leaf with red veins?

Nerve plant (also known as Fittonia albivenis) is a wonderful tropical houseplant for tabletops, hanging baskets, and terrariums. It adds a distinctive touch to indoor decor because nerve plant’s rich green leaves are touched with bright pink, red, or white veins.

What does chard look like?

It’s leaves resemble that of its beet cousins, but the most recognizable feature of chard is the color of its stalks: the white stalks of Swiss chard contrast with its dark green leaves, while Rainbow chard comes in colors ranging from deep red to bright yellow and orange.

What shrub has red branches and green leaves?

Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus Sericea) What is this? Cornus Sericea has elliptical green leaves, whose edges can sometimes take on a slightly reddish color. Its branches and twigs have normally a dark red color, but some plants may lack this coloration in shaded areas.