Why did Hulk disappear in Age of Ultron?

He felt that he was too much of a threat to innocents, and there was no place left on Earth where he could have lived a normal life. Like Natasha, Bruce felt like he lived in a fantasy world as an Avenger, and that the mistakes of his past weren’t able to catch up to him.

Where did Hulk go at end of Ultron?

Near the conclusion of “Ultron,” Hulk entered space via a Quinjet. With the aircraft’s stealth mode activated, his whereabouts were unknown and untraceable to the Avengers. “One of our tech boys flagged this,” Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) told Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), showing her a tablet.

Is Hulk in Age of Ultron?

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) – Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner, Hulk – IMDb.

What did Wanda do to Bruce?

She had Thor foresee an impending doom, that in the end had him haring off to find his friend and get the information about the Infinity Stones. But she also showed Bruce Banner (Hulk) something that made him ‘turn green’ and become Hulk and go on the rampage.

Why did Natasha and Bruce not get together?

The romance between Bruce and Natasha fizzled out after “Age of Ultron,” mainly because Bruce/Hulk went flying into space and teamed up with Chris Hemsworth’s Thor in 2017’s “Thor: Ragnarok.” MCU fans expected Bruce’s return to earth in “Infinity War” and his reunion with Natasha to resurface the fan-favorite storyline …

What did Wanda make Hulk see?

She shows Steve Rogers (Captain America) the life he never got to live, with the dancing and the woman he loved. She made Natasha (Black Widow) relive her painful past, where she remembered her childhood having to dance, and the sterilizing in the secret room.

What was Hulk’s fear in Age of Ultron?

He saw what he feared the most. Losing control of himself and harming others. Ironically, this is exactly what he did. Just shows how sometimes, fearing something will make it a reality.