Who wrote the soundtrack for Driving Miss Daisy?

Hans ZimmerDriving Miss Daisy / Music composed byHans Florian Zimmer is a German film score composer and music producer. He has won two Oscars and four Grammys, and has been nominated for two Emmys and a Tony. Zimmer was also named on the list of Top 100 Living Geniuses, published by The Daily Telegraph. Wikipedia

Is Driving Miss Daisy based on a true story?

Uhry’s characters stem from real people close to his heart. He based the two central characters of “Driving Miss Daisy” on his own grandmother, Lena Fox, and her chauffeur Will Coleman. After Fox experienced a driving accident and could no longer drive herself, Coleman chauffeured her from 1948 to 1973.

What does Hoke do for Daisy at the end of the play?

Daisy deeply resents Hoke and the implication that she is no longer able to control her own life. However, Hoke’s mild manner eventually wins her over, and she finally allows him to drive her to the market. He serves as her driver for the next twenty-five years.

How old was Morgan Freeman when he did Driving Miss Daisy?

“Many actresses who wanted the role were too young,” he says, “like Lauren Bacall.” Morgan Freeman had played the role of Hoke in Uhry’s stage play, but Dad had some initial misgivings about his age as well (Freeman was 52 at the time).

What was idella watching when she passed away?

the death of black maid Idella (Esther Rolle) watching The Edge of Night on TV (the camera viewed the peas she had been shucking from pods bouncing on the floor at her feet)

How old was Miss Daisy at the end of the movie?

97 years old
The movie ends in 1973, when she is 97 years old.

What is the name of Miss Daisy’s son?

Boolie Werthan
Boolie Werthan: Daisy’s son, also born and raised in Atlanta. He is 40 years old in the first scene of the play in 1948, and 65 years old at the show’s end in 1973.

Why is it hard for Miss Daisy to accept Hoke as her driver in the first part of the story?

Since she cannot drive, her son hired Hoke to be her personal chauffeur. At first, Miss Daisy refuses to let Hoke drive her anywhere out of fear of losing her independence but out of necessity; she began to accept his offers.

What is wrong with Driving Miss Daisy?

Driving Miss Daisy certainly isn’t a great movie: It’s notably lacking in style; Beresford leans on sentimentality too often; the African-American characters are mostly caricatures; and Hans Zimmer’s synth score sounds woefully dated.

What happens to Miss Daisy’s maid while they are watching the soap opera in the kitchen?

Idella dies suddenly while watching her beloved soap operas and shelling peas. Daisy’s devastated by Idella’s death and commiserates with Hoke about how nobody could make coffee like Idella.

What happened to idella?

In 1963 Hoke negotiates a raise in the salary that Boolie pays him. Idella suffers a fatal heart attack while shelling peas in Miss Daisy’s kitchen.