Who won Food Battle 2010?

Winner: Anthony Padilla, due to Anthony shooting Ian with a bow and arrow. However some people believe there is no winner as Ian claims that there cannot be a winner if there’s no one to announce it (since Anthony also killed the Food Battle Reporter who was standing behind Ian).

Who won Food Battle 2011?

Since the rule of Food Battle is to survive to the end, it means Anthony is the winner, because he survived. This is currently the most-viewed Food Battle episode, with over 41-million viewers. This marks the first time the Announcer approached the loser and asked him what he was going to do.

Who won Food Battle 2012?

Even though Ian wins more challenges than Anthony and Anthony only wins one challenge, Anthony still wins. This is due to Anthony killing him at the end.

What is Ian Hecox favorite food?

Ian Hecox

Food Battle Records
Favorite food:
Pink Frosted Sprinkled Donut

What happened to Food Battle: The Game?

The game was retired from app stores on August 4, 2017.

Why did Smosh remove Food Battle: The Game?

On August 4, 2017 the game was retired from all app stores with the only notice being given on the Indiegogo campaign page. There was no clear indication for why it was being retired. Many speculated it was due to Anthony’s departure as he served as the game’s main protagonist.

What happened to the Smosh game?

On January 4, 2018, Flitz announced that he was leaving Smosh Games starting immediately due to sexual assault allegations. On November 7, 2018, it was announced that no more videos will likely be uploaded to the channel due to Smosh’s parent company Defy Media shutting down.

Can I still play food battle the game?

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. As of August 4th, 2017, we will be retiring Food Battle: The Game from the app store and discontinuing support for future gameplay. We appreciate your support, and value your continued enthusiasm for our projects!