Who was the Indian commissioner on the World Commission on Dams?
Who was the Indian commissioner on the World Commission on Dams?
The World Commission on Dams (WCD) has been formed to review the efficacy of large dams in various countries. It will be chaired by Kader Asmal, the water affairs and forestry minister of South Africa. The Indian high commissioner to South Africa, Laxmi Chand Jain will be its vice chair-person.
What are the 3 main purposes of dams?
Dam Basics The purpose of a dam is to impound (store) water, wastewater or liquid borne materials for any of several reasons, such as flood control, human water supply, irrigation, livestock water supply, energy generation, containment of mine tailings, recreation, or pollution control.
How does dams help the economy?
Among water infrastructure options, dams especially have been ascribed an unparalleled importance in fostering long-term economic development, because they facilitate multiple uses of water, including for productive activities (e.g. irrigation, in- dustrial production, low-cost cooling of power plants).
Why are dams so important to the economic development of many African countries?
In the face of the deteriorating hydro climatic context, the West African countries have opted for the construction of dams as a logical solution to increase water storage capacity and regulation of water courses to meet the challenge of extreme weather variations, thereby contributing significantly to the economic …
How do dams affect the environment?
Dams store water, provide renewable energy and prevent floods. Unfortunately, they also worsen the impact of climate change. They release greenhouse gases, destroy carbon sinks in wetlands and oceans, deprive ecosystems of nutrients, destroy habitats, increase sea levels, waste water and displace poor communities.
Why is dam safety important?
Sfegaurding Water security and huge investments in infrastructure. Safeguarding human life, and properties of the people living downstream of the dams. With increasing number of dams becoming older and older, the likelihood of dam failures in India is expected to be an ascending path.
How do dams help the environment?
Dams store water, provide renewable energy and prevent floods. Unfortunately, they also worsen the impact of climate change.
What are dams advantages and disadvantages?
Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of Dam
Advantage of Dam | Disadvantage of Dam |
Dams can be constructed at any foundation | It could take more time to construct depending on the type of dam |
A great amount of water is used for drinking and municipal corporation | It may lack essential nutrients |
How do dams affect the economy of a country?
A dam and reservoir may support navigation, recreation, flood control, irrigation, and water supply, with each multipurpose benefit providing significant social and economic impacts on a local, regional, and national level.
What are the problems caused by dams?
Large dams have led to the extinction of many fish and other aquatic species, the disappearance of birds in floodplains, huge losses of forest, wetland and farmland, erosion of coastal deltas, and many other unmitigable impacts.
What is advantage and disadvantage of dam?
How can we reduce the impact of dams?
The plan is to use “adaptive management” to maximise the benefits of a dam, while paying attention to and minimising environmental impacts over time. This can be done, for example, by using turbines that are more efficient or fish friendly, or by lowering the height of dams.