Who was Kit Fisto Padawan?
Who was Kit Fisto Padawan?
Vebb was the Padawan of Jedi Master Kit Fisto prior to the Clone Wars, but with the outbreak of the war, Fisto became a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic and was unable to see Vebb’s apprenticeship through to the end.
What race is Master Fisto?
Kit Fisto is a striking example of an alien Jedi, a Nautolan with large eyes, and a gathered tangle of flexible tentacle-tresses extending from his head. He is at home in the waters of aquatic planets, like his native Glee Anselm. As a Jedi Master, Fisto has an intense focus, particularly in combat.
Who trained Plo Koon?
Not much is known about Plo Koon’s Jedi training in canon, but in Legends, he trained under Jedi Master Tyvokka, a character who exists in both Legends and canon. Tyvokka was a Wookiee Jedi Master, and much more of his backstory has been filled out in Legends, where he took on Plo Koon as one of his pupils.
Who was Mace Windu Padawan?
Billaba became Windu’s Padawan and trained under the Jedi Master in the ways of the Force. During her training, Windu allowed her to study Form VII variant known as Vaapad. She evetually became a Jedi Knight, renowned for her skills with a lightsaber and favored Form III when teaching other Jedi.
How old is Plo Koon?
Plo Koon | |
Age | 385 |
Status | Deceased |
Physical attributes | |
Height | 1.88 Meters |
What race is Plo Koon?
Kel DorPlo Koon / Species
Plo Koon was a Kel Dor male from the planet Dorin who became a Jedi Master and a lifetime member of the Jedi High Council, holding the position from after the Stark Hyperspace War to the end of the Galactic Republic in 19 BBY.
Is Grogu already a Jedi?
Grogu will likely never become a real Jedi. After being given an impossible choice by Luke Skywalker in Boba Fett Episode 6, Grogu chooses to leave Yoda’s lightsaber behind and join his surrogate father Mando (aka Din Djarin) once again.
Who trained Ki Adi Mundi?
Master Yoda
Mundi trains with Master Yoda. For the next 21 years, Mundi learned the ways of the Force under Yoda’s tutelage. Mundi traveled to many different planets as part of his Jedi training, and eventually built his own lightsaber, which had a purple blade.