Who was Aspasia and what did she do?

Aspasia of Miletus was a scholar and philosopher whose intellectual influence distinguished her in Athenian culture, which treated women as second-class citizens during the 5th century B.C.E.

What is Aspasia famous for?

Along with Diotima, Aspasia was one of the two women philosophers whom Plato recognised as a teacher of Socrates. Her biography is subject to debate, but she is still famous for her knowledge of rhetoric and her skill in debate.

What was Aspasia known for what did she teach?

Advertisement. A contributor to learning in Athens, Aspasia of Miletus (c. 470-401/400 BCE) boldly surpassed the limited expectations for women by establishing a renowned girl’s school and a popular salon.

Where is Aspasia buried?

Died in 1920 in Tatoi near Athens. Buried with his consort Princess Aspasia (who had been initially buried at the cemetery of San Michele Island in Venice) in the Royal Mausoleum at Tatoi near Athens. 1922-1923 and 1935-1947: GEORGE II (Giorgios B) Born in 1890 in Tatoi near Athens.

What did Plato say about Aspasia?

Diotima/Aspasia Socrates was famous for saying: “The only thing I know is that I don’t know.” But Plato, in Symposium (199b), reports him as saying that he learned “the truth about love” from a clever woman.

What does the name Aspasia mean?

welcome, invite
Origin:Greek. Popularity:11599. Meaning:welcome, invite. Aspasia as a girl’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Aspasia is “welcome, invite”.

Did Aspasia write the funeral oration?

In 431 BC, Pericles delivered his famous ‘Funeral Oration’, glorifying the war dead, a speech written by Aspasia as Plato later joked.

Can I romance Aspasia?

In Odyssey’s final quest “A Fresh Start”, the player can choose to either spare or kill Aspasia. Additionally, if the player chooses romantic dialogues, the player can kiss her, which has the same end result as sparing her.

Can you sleep with Odessa again?

Eventually Kassandra and Odessa did get it on (Kassandra picked Odessa up and it was great, she is very forceful, I love you Kassandra). Because Kassandra is an irrepressible horndog, you can then ask to have sex again, almost immediately.

Can you marry in AC Odyssey?

But marriage fans be warned, your character’s lust can lead them to engaging in a spot of adultery. Your potential Assassin’s Creed Odyssey romance partners can be found all over Greece, performing an active role in main and side quests….All Assassin’s Creed Odyssey romance options.

Character Regions Quests
Lykaon Phokis Helping a Healer
