Who took over Affinity Sutton?

Clarion Housing Group
Affinity Sutton Group has been renamed Clarion Housing Group. Clarion Housing owns and manages 125,000 homes across 176 local authorities.

What was Clarion housing called?

Circle Housing Group
Circle Housing Group (or Circle) was one of the largest groups of housing associations in the UK. In 2016 it merged with Affinity Sutton and was renamed Clarion Housing Group, becoming the largest UK Housing Association and registered provider of social housing.

Can I apply direct to a housing association?

You can apply directly to a housing association, but it’s best to make your application through your local council as this increases your chances of getting a home.

Who is Clarion housing association?

Clarion Housing is the UK’s largest housing association, owning and managing 125,000 homes: 350,000 people call a Clarion home their home. Homes are the platforms on which lives are built – and providing those homes is a role we take seriously.

What is the biggest housing association in London?

The biggest housing association in the UK is Clarion Housing. Clarion manages 125,000 dwellings, while the second-largest is L&Q, with 95,000.

Who is the biggest housing association in the UK?

Clarion is the UK’s largest housing association, owning and managing 125,000 homes: 350,000 people call a Clarion home their home.

What’s the difference between housing association and council housing?

Very simply, council housing is where the councils own the homes and are responsible for their up keep but rent them out. Housing associations are where a private company owns the houses and are responsible for their upkeep but rent them out to tenants who receive monetary help.

Which is the biggest housing association in the UK?

Which is the best housing association in UK?

The Community Gateway Association in Preston was named the UK’s best housing association by 24 Housing.

Who are the best housing associations?


Rank Name No. of dwellings
1st Clarion Housing Group 125,000
2nd L&Q 95,000
3rd Notting Hill Genesis 66,000
4th Peabody Trust 104,000