Who tells Harry how do you get on to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on his first journey to Hogwarts?

Harry Potter first used Platform 9¾ on 1 September 1991. Not knowing how to get into it, and recognising the Weasley family as a family of wizards, he asked Molly Weasley how to access it.

How did Harry get through the barrier at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters?

He got lift to the King’s Cross Station with Dursleys’ car. ”They reached King’s Cross at half past ten. Uncle Vernon dumped Harry’s trunk on to a trolley and wheeled it into the station for him.

Who is on the platform at the end of Harry Potter?

The epilogue has married couples Harry and Ginny (Bonnie Wright) and Hermione (Emma Watson) and Ron (Rupert Grint) at Platform 9 and 3/4, sending their children off to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

What’s the magical train on Platform 9 ¾ called in Harry Potter?

the Hogwarts Express
As any fan of J.K. Rowling’s bestselling series will know, King’s Cross is where students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry catch the Hogwarts Express. In the wizarding world, Harry and his friends get to the platform by dashing through a brick wall between platforms 9 and 10.

Can muggles parents go through Platform 9 3 4?

Lily and Petunia’s parents are also mentioned later. So yes, it is possible, but I think you may have to go through with a witch or wizard if you are a Muggle. There must be some restrictions, otherwise muggles would have discovered the Platform by now!

Who was the other kid at the end of Harry Potter?

The orphaned Teddy was raised by his grandmother Andromeda, but had several surrogate parents, including his godfather Harry. He went on to date Victoire Weasley — the eldest daughter of Bill and Fleur — who he was caught snogging in The Deathly Hollows epilogue.

How do Muggle borns get to Diagon Alley?

The only Muggles given access are those accompanying their Muggle-born children. Wizards seeking access to Diagon Alley by foot will pass through The Leaky Cauldron, an inn invisible to Muggles who walk past from the Muggle side.

What is Platform 9 and three-quarters in Harry Potter?

Platform Nine and Three-Quarters ( Platform 9¾) is a platform at King’s Cross Station in London. Magically concealed behind the barrier between Muggle Platforms Nine and Ten, this Platform is where Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry students board the Hogwarts Express on 1 September,…

When did Harry Potter first use Platform 9¾?

Harry Potter first used Platform 9¾ on 1 September 1991. Not knowing how to get into it, and recognising the Weasley family as a family of wizards, he asked Molly Weasley how to access it.

Where is Platform 9¾ at Hogwarts?

Strangely enough, Platform 9¾ is actually between Platforms 8 and 9! There are a couple of reasons for this; firstly, Platform 9 and 10 are in separate buildings from the main train station (JK Rowling intended the Platform to be in the main building).

How do I get to Platform 9 and three quarter?

It can be accessed by walking straight through the apparently solid barrier between platforms nine and ten.” — Description of the platform’s purpose and the means of entry [src] Platform Nine and Three-Quarters ( Platform 9¾) was a platform at King’s Cross Station in London.