Who should I give quinas flower to?

The Blessed Flower is a unique item made by Quina and entrusted to the Arisen during the quest Talent in Bloom. The flower should be presented to a Faith member for examination in order to progress Quina’s wish to visit the Grand Cathedral.

Where can I find flowers in Dragon’s Dogma?

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Get out the village (Cassardis) turn right and go. You’ll find another shore, you can find them in there. Depends on which flowers you’re after. You can find Sunbright near the roots of the large trees right outside Cassardis during the day.

Where can I find Moonglow flowers in Dragon’s Dogma?


  • Multiple Moonglow can be found on Unusual Beach on rocks and cliff sides, most notably on the rocks directly below The Encampment and the Warrior’s Departure.
  • Grows near the sea at Cape Pactforge.
  • One can be found at Starfall Bay in Cassardis.
  • Found around Wilted Forest.

Where did Madeleine go Dragon Dogma?

If the quest is completed Madeleine will move to Cassardis in the post-game, and continue selling her wares there. If the quest is not completed, Madeleine will move to the fields in Gran Soren in the post-game, but will not sell any items.

What does Pilgrim’s charm do?

“A blessed talisman said to safeguard travelers against misfortune. Bestows Weal and Prosperity for 5 minutes as well as Impervious for one and a half minute.

Where can I find seeker tokens in Dragon’s Dogma?

Two Tokens can be found on the Unusual Beach off Seabreeze Trail. Additional tokens may be found in chests. Two can be found within the Duke’s Demesne: one to the left of the staircase in the Audience Chamber and another on the second floor next to the column just outside of the Gathering Hall.

How long is a day in Dragon’s Dogma?

roughly 32 minutes
Gransys’s day-night cycle lasts 48 minutes “real time”, with day roughly 32 minutes, and night 16 minutes. Sleeping at Gransys until night will rest until around 9pm; those sleeping until day will awake at 6am. Sleeping at Resting Benchs on Bitterblack Isle does not advance time any significant amount.

Where can I find Greenwarish?

Greenwarish is one of the most common herbs in Gransys and can be widely found above ground. The herb is also sold by Iola, at Aestella’s, and at Camellia’s Apothecary, and by the vendors Reynard, and Jayce.