Who runs second thought on YouTube?

JT Chapman –
JT Chapman – Second Thought on YouTube – Self Employed | LinkedIn.

What happened second thought?

Second Thoughts ended on 14 October 1994, but has since been repeated on Forces TV. The original radio series was often replayed on BBC7, and continues to be repeated on BBC7’s re-branded replacement, BBC Radio 4 Extra.

Where is Chapman YouTube from?

London, England
Jim Chapman (YouTuber)

Jim Chapman
Chapman at VidCon in 2014
Born London, England
Education University of East Anglia (BSc)
Occupation YouTuber model writer

Is it a second thought or a second’s thought?

Both are used and subtly different. “(On) second thought” is usually about reconsideration. “A second’s thought” is usually about no consideration.

What does without a second thought mean?

ənd ˈθɔːt/ without a second thought. If you do something without a second thought, you do it without first considering if you should do it or not: She’ll spend a hundred dollars on a dress without a second thought.

What is the word for having second thoughts?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for second-thought, like: second-thoughts, double-take, reconsideration, afterthought, review, reservation, disillusion, rethinking, arrière-pensée, esprit-d-escalier and better thoughts.

Is Jim Chapman married?

Sarah Tarletonm. 2022
Tanya Burrm. 2015–2019
Jim Chapman/Spouse

How many people can play second thoughts?

4 players
This is a fun game that requires 4 players to play. Each round is broken into two parts. In the first part, some dice are thrown that show letters and you put the letters into designated spaces on your team’s card.

What is the meaning of the idiom in hot water?

: a difficult or dangerous situation : trouble entry 1 sense 4 —used with in or into But this poor fellow was always getting into hot water, and if there was a wrong way of doing a thing, was sure to hit upon it.— Richard Henry Dana Jr.

What does the idiom Let’s call it a day mean?

Stop a particular activity for the rest of the day, as in It’s past five o’clock so let’s call it a day. Similarly, call it a night means “to stop something for the rest of the night,” as in One more hand of bridge and then let’s call it a night.
