Who publishes the Journal of Neuroscience?

Society for NeuroscienceThe Journal of Neuroscience / PublisherThe Society for Neuroscience is a professional society, headquartered in Washington, DC, for basic scientists and physicians around the world whose research is focused on the study of the brain and nervous system. Wikipedia

Is the Journal of Neuroscience peer-reviewed?

The Journal of Neuroscience is a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Society for Neuroscience. It covers empirical research on all aspects of neuroscience. Its editor-in-chief is Marina Picciotto (Yale University).

Is the journal of Integrative Neuroscience predatory?

Integr. Neurosci. OCLC no. In February 2022 the journal was included in the official Norwegian list of possibly predatory journals, known as level X.

How do you cite a neuroscience journal?

Use the following template to cite a dictionary entry using the The Journal of Neuroscience citation style. Template: Author Surname Author Initial (Year Published) Title. Publication Title:Pages Used Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].

Are Neuroscientists doctors?

Neuroscientists are basic scientists who may or may not have a degree in medicine. Most of them, however, are doctorates in neuroscience. Neurologists on the other hand have an undergraduate degree with four years at medical school and a year of internship.

What reference style does The Journal of Neuroscience use?

Use the following template to cite a magazine using the The Journal of Neuroscience citation style. Template: Author Surname Author Initial (Year Published) Title. Publication Title:Pages Used Available at: http://Website-Url [Accessed October 10, 2013].

What is the impact factor of journal of Neuroscience?

6.167The Journal of Neuroscience / Impact Factor (2020)

How do you identify a predatory Journal?

6 Ways to Spot a Predatory Journal

  1. Always check the website thoroughly.
  2. Check if the journal is a member of DOAJ, COPE, OASPA or STM.
  3. Check the journal’s contact information.
  4. Research the editorial board.
  5. Take a look at their peer review process and publication timelines.
  6. Read through past issues of the journal.

Is Mdpi predatory?

MDPI was included on Jeffrey Beall’s list of predatory open access publishing companies in February 2014.