Who played pestilence in Supernatural?

Matt Frewer
Matt Frewer — best known for his recent key role on Eureka – has been cast as Pestilence, the figure that created and spread disease. He’s the third of the Four Horsemen to appear on season five. Supernatural fans have already met War (Titus Welliver) and Famine (James Otis).

What happened to Brady Supernatural?

Demon-Killing Knife- Brady was killed by the demon-killing knife.

Does Bobby singer get his legs back?

After spending most of the season in a wheelchair, Bobby Singer is finally able to walk again, thanks to the deal he made with Crowley.

Is Matt Frewer in Supernatural?

Matt Frewer (b. January 4, 1958) is a Canadian-American actor, singer, voice artist and comedian. He has been acting since 1983, and was nominated for two Gemini awards in 2000. In Supernatural, he portrayed the Horseman Pestilence.

Is Max Headroom a real person?

Max Headroom is a fictional artificial intelligence (AI) character portrayed by actor Matt Frewer. Advertised as “the first computer-generated TV presenter”, Max was known for his biting commentary on a variety of topical issues, arrogant wit, stuttering, and pitch-shifting voice.

How does Sam know Brady?

History. Brady was a college friend of Sam’s from Stanford. In his sophomore year, during Thanksgiving break, he was possessed by a demon sent by Azazel. When he came back to school, he “went off the rails,” partying and dropping out of pre-med.

What is Crowley’s Hellhounds name?

Juliet is a hellhound owned by King of Hell Crowley.

Why was Bobby killed off in Supernatural?

The Supernatural writers killed Bobby in the episode “Death’s Door” to shift the show’s direction in a way that would most dramatically impact the characters and the audience. In the Supernatural season 5 finale, Sam and Dean Winchester stopped the apocalypse, so the writers needed a way to up the stakes.

Who played Berlinghoff Rasmussen?

actor Matt Frewer
Quirky character actor Matt Frewer spun a great turn as the equally quirky “Professor” Berlinghoff Rasmussen in TNG’s “A Matter of Time,” but will forever be known as Max Headroom, the outrageous 1990s icon of the then-new digital animation age.

Why is Dean immune to famine?

While conversing with the Black Horseman, Dean is told by Famine that he is empty inside which is the reason why he remains unaffected by his influence, Famine mocks him for this.