Who owns sapref?

BP Southern Africa
SAPREF is a joint venture between Shell Refining SA and BP Southern Africa.

Why is sapref shutting down?

With 35% of South Africa’s crude oil refining capacity producing 2.7 billion litres of petrol per year, Sapref is the country’s largest refinery. It was previously forced to temporarily shut down operations during July 2021’s riots. The unrest had led to a shortage of critical materials reaching the refinery.

What does sapref mean?

South African Petroleum Refineries
South African Petroleum Refineries (SAPREF)

How old is sapref?

Established in 1963, Sapref is the largest crude oil refinery in South Africa, providing 35% of the country’s refining capacity.

Is SAPREF sold?

Shareholders of SA’s largest oil refinery Sapref, south of Durban, have decided to suspend operations indefinitely by the end of March as they consider selling the plant.

How many people work at SAPREF?

700 employees
We have about 700 employees, 500 contractors and 208 learners at our refinery.

Is the government buying sapref?

The government looks set to purchase the 180,000 b/d Shell/BP South African Petroleum Refineries (Sapref) joint venture, which refines 35% of South Africa’s fuel, in a move to pre-empt a sale or closure of the unit by its current owners, Shell and BP.

Who is supplying South Africa with oil?

The majority of South Africa’s crude oil is supplied by three countries. They are Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Angola. These three countries have supplied 89% of South Africa’s total crude imports for 2018.

Where is SAPREF situated?

of Durban
SAPREF is the largest crude oil refinery in Southern Africa with the 35% of South Africa’s refinery capacity. SAPREF is a joint venture between Shell Refining SA and BP Southern Africa and it is located in the city of Durban on the east coast of South Africa.

Is sapref closing in South Africa?

The Sapref oil refinery in Durban. Government wants to buy the Sapref refinery as the operation is set to close its doors later this month. Any acquisition is expected to be made by Central Energy Fund which has aggressive growth plans.

How many people work at sapref?

Is Sapref closing in South Africa?