Who owns Baffinland iron mine?

Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation (Baffinland) is a Canadian mining company, mining iron ore at the Mary River operation in the Qikiqtani region of North Baffin, Nunavut, Canada. It is jointly owned by The Energy and Minerals Group and ArcelorMittal and operates a high-grade iron ore mine here.

What do they mine at Baffinland?

Baffinland’s Mary River Mine site on Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada, is one of the most northern mines in the world. It has among the richest iron ore deposits ever discovered, consisting of nine-plus high-grade iron ore deposits that can be mined, crushed, and screened into marketable products.

Who owns Mary rivermine?

Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation
Mary River Mine

Company Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation
Website www.baffinland.com
Year of acquisition 2011

What do they mine in Iqaluit?

– Gold, silver, diamonds, lead, zinc, uranium, tungsten, rare earths, cobalt, bismuth, nickel, copper, etc. Agnico-Eagle Mines Gold In operation since 2010. Open pit mine located in the Kivalliq Region, 300 km west of Hudson Bay and 70 km N of Baker Lake.

Where is baffinland located?

territory of Nunavut
Baffin Island (formerly Baffin Land), in the Canadian territory of Nunavut, is the largest island in Canada and the fifth-largest island in the world. Its area is 507,451 km2 (195,928 sq mi)—slightly larger than Spain, its population was 13,039 as of the 2021 Canadian census, and is located at 68°N 70°W.

Why does the Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation want to build a railway?

The Nunavut Impact Review Board, the territory’s environmental assessment agency, heard from representatives from Nunavut communities, the Nunavut government, the Government of Canada and environmental groups. The mining company wants to build a 110-kilometre railway to transport the ore from the mine to the ocean.

What is mined in Nunavut?

Nunavut currently has three working gold mines, and an iron ore mine. The Meliadine gold mine began commercial production in 2019, and a new deposit began contributing ore to the Meadowbank mine later that year. The chamber says Nunavut has benefited from stronger prices for iron and gold.

Who owns Baffin Island?

Baffin Island is separated from Greenland on the north and east by Baffin Bay and Davis Strait and from the Labrador-Ungava mainland on the south by Hudson Strait. It is administered as part of Baffin region, Nunavut territory, Canada.

Does Nunavut have petroleum?

Nunavut does not have any commercial crude oil production. Between 1985 and 1996, approximately 3.0 million barrels of crude oil were produced at the Bent Horn field on Cameron Island.

How many mines are there in Nunavut?

Currently (2019) there are 7 mines operating in the NWT and Nunavut. In the NWT, we have the Ekati, Diavik, and Gahcho Kue diamond mines, and in Nunavut we have the Meliadine, Meadowbank, and Hope Bay gold mines and the Mary River iron mine.

What minerals are found in Nunavut?

What’s the biggest island in Canada?

Baffin Island
Baffin Island – Canada’s Arctic adventure. The largest island in Canada awaits at the entrance to the Northwest Passage. It is a marvel of fjords, mountains, and polar wildlife, and an epic destination all on its own.