Who made IndustrialCraft?

Raise a Floppa – The Loop

Current developers Player Aroma1997 estebes Chocohead
Past developers Alblaka alexthesax Drashian Elemtalist RichardG Feanturi tahu44 Lurch1985 GregoriusT Thunderdark

What does IndustrialCraft add?

What is IndustrialCraft 2? IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2) adds a variety of electrically-powered machines to the Minecraft world, bringing Minecraft to the Industrial Age and beyond. It offers machines that can double ore output and generate power, as well as nuclear power and quantum armor.

Who made IndustrialCraft 2?

Alblaka the Dragon Lord
It was formed by Alblaka the Dragon Lord who originally made IndustrialCraft and also made IndustrialCraft 2….Raise a Floppa – The Loop.

IndustrialCraft2 Development Team
Discontinued mods IndustrialCraft
IRC channel #Industrial-Craftconnect

Where is IndustrialCraft?

Industrial Craft is located in San Francisco, California, United States .

How do you use a nuke in IndustrialCraft 2?

The Nuke is an IndustrialCraft2 item. It is the most powerful explosive in IndustrialCraft2, and has a blast similar to a Nuclear Reactor meltdown. It can be triggered using a Flint and Steel , Redstone, or another explosion (an adjacent Nuke, TNT, etc.) The Nuke has a fuse of 13 seconds.

How do I start IndustrialCraft?

Craft all 15 Copper Ingots into Copper Cables, and insulate 6 of them. Then craft only 9 Iron into Plates. You’ll need to make three Copper Coils. Then craft an electronic circuit and a basic machine casing….Materials needed:

  1. 15 Copper Ingots (8 Copper Ores)
  2. 12 Iron Ingots (6 Iron Ores)
  3. 6 Rubber.
  4. 2 Redstone Dusts.

How do you make a Nuke in IndustrialCraft?

If filled with 1 piece of Uranium 238 and 1 piece of Industrial TNT, it makes a very small crater, slightly smaller than a crater made from TNT, if filled with 1 stack of Plutonium and a stack of Industrial TNT, it makes a massive crater.

How do you charge a Lzh Condensator?

To recharge the LZH-Condensator, Lapis Lazuli or Redstone Dust is used. One Lapis Lazuli will recharge 40k while one Redstone Dust will recharge 5k.