Who knew it was none of his business?
Who knew it was none of his business?
This hilarious picture book tells the tale of a little mole who wakes up one morning only to have one of the other animals ‘do its business’ on his head. The Little Mole then sets out to track down the culprit to exact his revenge in his own little way.
Who pooped on my head story?
Written by a German author, the book tells the story of a mole who wakes up to discover poop on this head. Furious, the mole sets out to discover who did it… He approaches various animals–birds, cows, rabbits, horses, pigs–and asks them if they pooped on his head.
What does mole poop look like?
Mole droppings are small, pellet-like, and typically brown in color. Though moles spend the majority of their time underground, their feces can appear aboveground. Typically, homeowners find small piles of these droppings near surface runways, which are dead strips of grass that result from mole tunneling.
Who shat on the moles head?
The persistent mole, of course, discovers the poop perpetrator: It was the butcher’s dog Hans-Heinerich. And the mole promptly gets his revenge. “The dog wakes up and notices that there is something on his head and can’t let it rest,” explained Holzwarth.
What animal has purple poop?
Water voles, rats and mice Water vole droppings are green, brown or purple, have a putty-like texture and no strong smell. Rat droppings are light brown to black, slimy and soft, and smell unpleasantly like wee.
Is it cat or fox poo?
How can you tell the difference between fox and cat poo? The poo of a fox is commonly pointed at one end and is lumpy with all of the various detritus trapped in it like bone, feathers and berries. Cat poo is usually smoother and softer than urban fox scat, which has a more comparable consistency and form to dog poo.
Where was the mole who was with him?
Where was the Mole? Who was with him? Ans:The Mole was in a boat with the Rat.
Which animals bury their poop?
Cats aren’t the only ones who bury their waste to throw off predators and settle territory disputes armadillos, woodchucks, minks and some other weasels are also known to cover their excrement.
What does dog poop look like?
Healthy dog poop should be chocolate-brown in color. A healthy dog’s gallbladder releases bile to help break down food. Bilirubin, contained in bile, is added to the stool that makes it that chocolate-brown color. Some slight changes in color are normal as a result of a different diet or hydration.
What was the mole doing in the beginning of the story?
Explanation: In the story it is springtime, while Mole is conducting his yearly spring cleaning around his underground burrow home. All of a sudden, he is struck by a feeling of unhappiness, and instantly tunnels his way out of the Earth and comes onto the field.