Who is Valka in AC Valhalla?
Who is Valka in AC Valhalla?
Valka was the wise woman responsible for retaining the religious beliefs of the Raven Clan of Vikings at their new settlement of Ravensthorpe.
Who is valkas mother?
Svala (died 873) was a Norse seeress and the mother of Valka who lived in the mountains near Fornburg in Rygjafylke, Norway during the 9th century. She was the reincarnation of the Isu Freyja.
Does Randvi look like Kassandra?
No mention of Kassandra is made in the leaked dialogue, but Valka claims to see Assassin’s Creed Valhalla character Randvi at the center of it. As Randvi shares a similar look to Kassandra, the theory is that Eivor will not find Randvi on the island, but Kassandra.
Who is Gunnar’s wife?
Brigid was the Welsh wife of Gunnar the Blacksmith of the Raven Clan during the late 9th century AD.
Is Svala a freyja?
Svala is assumed to be the Reincarnation of Freyja, the wife of Odin. Svala is Seer Valka’s Mother in the game and appears during the prologue when Eivor was a child and during the first vision quest in Norway.
Is eivor half ISU?
In the game, the cut clear Isu reincarnations are the following: Eivor for Odin, Sigurd for Tyr, Basim for Loki, and Svala for Freyja. One other major character in the game not that many people may know is also a reincarnation is Halfdan.
Can you meet Kassandra again in AC Valhalla?
And Kassandra has been one of the most popular characters the series has had in years, so it made sense for her to come back. Those Who Are Treasured is free for those who have Odyssey, while A Fated Encounter is free for those who own Valhalla–so yes, you will need both games to play both stories.
Can you romance Vili?
You can romance Vili when playing either gender. You can play as a male or female character – this won’t block any of the romance options.
Who is Basim son?
“You broke all my hopes.” It turns out that the son Basim was talking about, was the wolf son of Loki in Eivor’s Norse Isu history. Odin and Tyr bound the wolf in the past, and Basim as a reincarnation of Loki is back to get revenge – he even delights at the wolf scars on 9th century Eivor’s neck.