Who is the poet of the poem a good boy?
Who is the poet of the poem a good boy?
Good Boy” is a simple poem by Stevenson and just depicts the simple day to day activities a small boy would follow. However he has also reflected his childhood days through this poem. In this poem, the poet says that he wakes up at dawn and tries to be a good boy through out the day.
Why was the speaker of the poem a good boy happy when the sun went down?
When the sun goes down and when the day is about to end, he feels happy for himself and he makes sure that he stays good and makes others also feel the same. At bedtime, he makes sure that he does not forget his prayers and thanks giving.
What does the poet mean when he says good boy?
Explanation: Explanation: The poet admits that he has learnt to say what fits each situation instead of speaking the truth. He fakes his behaviour. When he feels like saying ‘Good-riddance’, he says ‘Goodbye’.
What does the child experience in the morning in poem a good boy?
Answer. 1) The child in the poem is happy because it is morning. 2) The child says ‘Good Morning’ to the sky, sun, little winds, birds, grass and bees.
Do you agree with what the boy did Why or why not?
Answer: Yes I agree what the boy did. He took the right decision by taking the injured bird home to help it recover. Sensitivity and empathy towards another living being is extremely important to save this Earth form destruction.
What will the Speaker hear in the morning?
What will the speaker hear in the morning? Ans. The speaker will hear the melodies of birds from his orchard and first melancholy cry of cuckoo.
What lesson does the boy learn?
The boy is learning to cope up with his loss of ball. he is experiencing grief and to grow up and learning to grow up in this materialistic world. he learns that there are so many things in life that are lost and cannot be brought back.
Why was the little fish unhappy?
Why was the little fish unhappy? Answer: The little fish was unhappy because he was so very small.
Why did the boy took the bird home?
The boy felt compassion for the bird, petted the bird gently and wanted to help it, but didn’t know how. So he took the bird in his hands, carried it carefully home and showed it to his parents.
Why did Uncle consider each of them to be fools?
Uncle considered each of them to be fools because they would discover the mark in a new place.