Who is the old lady in the Velveeta commercial?

Helen Highwater. In the commercial an older woman is riding around on a lawnmower.

What song is on the La Dolce Velveeta commercial?

The 60-second ad depicts the glamour a Velveeta dish can bring to everyday settings. Set to the tune of “O Mio Babbino Caro,” an elderly woman mows her lawn with a martini glass of Shells & Cheese in hand while another woman plucks the cheesy morsels from an umbrella toothpick while tanning in a kiddie pool.

What does La Dolce Velveeta meaning?

the sweet life
Of course, the spot is quite cheesy. Dubbed “That’s La Dolce Velveeta,” it draws inspiration from the Italian phrase “la dolce vita,” translating to “the sweet life” (and, thankfully, not the Fellini flick, though that would have been wild).

Who is in La Dolce Velveeta commercial?

This lifestyle is dedicated to living your best life every single day by basking in bliss, following your pleasure, and embracing your love of all things decadently cheesy. Inspired by La Dolce Velveeta, we tapped influencer Alex Wong to help us curate the ultimate Box’d to help you indulge every single day.

Who is the opera singer in the Velveeta commercial?

Harmony Korine Channels Fellini for Velveeta’s Cheesy Rebrand | Muse by Clio.

What is Velveeta slogan?

It ends with the tagline: “Velveeta Shells & Cheese. The best side of dinner.”

Who is the guy in the Velveeta commercial?

David S. Lee
“Just brown the meat, stir in the noodles, seasoning, then smite them, smite them with the liquid gold until there can be no more smiting,” says the blacksmith, played by David S. Lee with the precise diction and syntax of a Shakespearean actor, as he ladles the Velveeta cheese sauce included with the product into the …

What kind of cheese is government cheese?

Like traditional processed American cheese, it consists of a variety of cheese types and other ingredients, such as emulsifiers, blended together, and may be made of any of Cheddar cheese, Colby cheese, cheese curd, or granular cheese.

What is La Dolce mean?

An Italian phrase meaning sweet life, used to mean a life of luxury and ease.

What Aria is in the Velveeta commercial?

Velveeta shows up unexpectedly in each slightly askew scenario. The imperious strains of “O Mio Babbino Caro” provide a suitably silly soundtrack.