Who is the No 1 player of COC?

Top Players of 2020 for Clash of Clans

Player ID Player Name
1. Lenaide Valentin Rozel
2. Ast Anton Röyskö
3. BuMm Kang, SangBum
4. Jojo23 Jonas Gohl

What is the longest war win streak in COC?

Clans Current War Win Streak Ranking

Name Current War Win Streak
1 Avenger10.5 612
2 部落战 585
4 |~xX__WAR__Xx~| 451

Which time is best for attack in COC?

The best time for attack is 3 hours before your builder is going to free…so you can get enough resources in 3 hours for put builder for work… 3. For organizing(if you are leader) and chatting in clan… The best time for chatting is after dinner to before sleep (9pm to 12pm ,for indians) according to your country…

How many times can you attack in war COC?

How many times I can attack in a clan war? You can only attack 2 times during battle day, so make each attack count! Use scouting and clan chat to plan your attacks in advance. You can choose any opposing player to attack, but keep in mind that you cannot attack the same target with both attacks.

Which player has the most war Stars in clash of clans?

Players War Stars Ranking

Name War Stars
1 Germania 8,481
2 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 8,365
3 ⭐⭐⭐GARDENAL⭐⭐⭐ 8,182
4 Tat 8,143

How can I search a player in COC by name?

Open Clash of Clans and tap the Trophy button. Tap the Friends tab and then tap “Connect to Facebook.”…Find people by searching for their clan.

  1. Tap the “i” button at the top of the screen.
  2. Tap the “Join Clan” tab.
  3. Type in the clan tag with a “#” before it. For example: “#P8URPQLV.”

Who wins Clan War if tied?

The outcome of a Clan War is determined by which Clan manages to get the most stars during the war, or on total destruction percentage if Stars are tied. If more than one player raids a given base, only the strongest attack will be counted toward your Clan’s final score.